10/21/2017 - 2:29 AM

Ubuntu 16.04 Configuration

Ubuntu 16.04 Configuration

Cinnamon Theme Settings

Install Ubuntu Cinnamon. Follow these instructions.

These settings are set in System Settings > Themes.

  • Window borders: Arc-Darker (Alternative: Numix)
  • Icons: Numix-Square
  • Controls: Arc-Darker (Alternative: Numix)
  • Mouse Pointer: DMZ-White
  • Desktop: Arc-Dark (Alternative: Numix-Cinnamon-Transparent)

Install the Arc theme with these instructions.

I also modified the panel in a number of ways:

  1. Moved to the top of the screen.
  2. Updated the time format for the default Calendar applet to %A %B %e,%l:%M %p which formats the time like Sunday October 22, 5:22 PM. Information about formatting strings is available on this site.

Install Cinnamon applets:

I also install:

  • Plank
  • Albert

Input Device Configuration

  • Synergy. I install Synergy to use my laptop as a shared keyboard and mouse.

Terminal Configuration


I maintain a collection of dotfiles that I keep in a repository at These contain configuration files for a number of tools that I use frequently, such as vim, tmux.

vim, vimwiki, tmux

Gnome Terminal

I use the Gnome Terminal. Here are my profile settings:

background-color: #282A36
bold-color: #6E46A4
bold-color-same-as-fg: false
font: Ubuntu Mono 14
foreground-color: #F8F8F2
palette: ['#262626', '#E356A7', '#42E66C', '#E4F34A', '#9B6BDF', '#E64747', '#75D7EC', '#EFA554', '#7A7A7A', '#FF79C6', '#50FA7B', '#F1FA8C', '#BD93F9', '#FF5555', '#8BE9FD', '#FFB86C']
use-system-font: false
use-theme-colors: false
use-theme-transparency: false
visible-name: mgub

I followed the instructions on dracula/gnome-terminal to install the Dracula colorscheme for Gnome Terminal.


I install zsh as my default terminal, Oh My Zsh, and zsh-syntax-highlighting (instructions).


Whenever I freshly install Ubuntu, I install a number of applications, mostly for development and productivity tasks. Here's a list of them:

  • Dropbox
  • Browsers: Firefox (default), Chrome
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Atom
  • Spotify
  • Rambox
  • Inkscape
  • GIMP
  • Krita
  • Blender
  • Skype
  • Signal
  • Slack
  • Gitter
  • Astril
  • Deluge

For development, I install these:

  • nvm, node, npm, create-react-app, express
  • rbv
  • Docker, Vagrant


  • Firefox configuration (default search engine, ) and add-ons
  • Chrome configuration and extensions