3/17/2016 - 2:53 AM

Say Anything Open Byline Authors Import

Say Anything Open Byline Authors Import

$url = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/rveitch/b378711961b0b14104cc/raw/9b38156421a1264ac65a3b2b7bc11d074ca87635/sa_oba_user_export_03-14-16.json';
fcc_get_json( $url );

function fcc_get_json( $url ){
  $url = $url;
	$response = file_get_contents( $url );
	# Decode to ARRAY
	$array = json_decode( $response, TRUE );

	# Convert array to OBJECT
	$authors = new stdClass();
	foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
		$authors->$key = $value;

    $taxonomy = 'open_byline_author'; // ToDo: Include in JSON or function argument?

    # User Data
    $term = $value['display_name']; // Name (author)
		$slug = $value['user_login']; // author_login
		$description = $value['description'];
    //$parent_term_id = ''; // Probably won't be used often

		# User Meta
		$user_email = $value['user_email'];
    $first_name = $value['first_name'];
    $last_name = $value['last_name'];
    $avatar = $value['avatar'];
		$old_id = $value['old_id'];

    # Insert the Term & Return the Term ID
    $oba_term_id = wp_insert_term(
        'description'=> $description,
        'slug' => $slug,
        //'parent'=> $parent_term_id

    //echo $oba_term_id;

    update_term_meta( $oba_term_id, 'user_email', $user_email );
    update_term_meta( $oba_term_id, 'first_name', $first_name );
    update_term_meta( $oba_term_id, 'last_name', $last_name );
    update_term_meta( $oba_term_id, 'avatar_filename', $avatar );
    //update_term_meta( $oba_term_id, 'image', $avatar ); // WP Term Image
    update_term_meta( $oba_term_id, 'old_id', $old_id );

echo 'Import Complete';