ctrl + D / exit - выйти из операционной системы
ctrl + C - выйти из текущего выполнения программы
pwd - текущая папка
ls - список всех файлов и директорий в текущей папке
cd - перемещение по папкам
less [file] - просмотр файла
clear - очистить всю коммандую строку
page up or b Scroll - back one page
page down or space Scroll - forward one page
Up arrow Scroll - up one line
Down arrow Scroll - down one line
G - Move to the end of the text file
1G - or g Move to the beginning of the text file
/characters - Search forward to the next occurrence of characters
n - Search for the next occurrence of the previous search
h - Display help screen
q - Quit less
-a --all List all files, even those with names that begin with a
period, which are normally not listed (that is, hidden).
-A --almost-all Like the -a option except it does not list . (current directory)
and .. (parent directory).
-d --directory Ordinarily, if a directory is specified, ls will list the
contents of the directory, not the directory itself. Use this
option in conjunction with the -l option to see details
about the directory rather than its contents.
-F --classify This option will append an indicator character to the
end of each listed name. For example, it will append a
forward slash (/) if the name is a directory.
-h --human-readable In long format listings, display file sizes in humanreadable
format rather than in bytes.
-l Display results in long format.
-r --reverse Display the results in reverse order. Normally, ls displays
its results in ascending alphabetical order.
-S Sort results by file size.
-t Sort by modification time.
sudo fdisk -l - show all devices
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt - mount given device in certain directory
umount /dev/sdb1 - unmount given device
tar -czvf projects.tar.gz /root/projects/ - unpack archive to destination directory
tar xf community_images.tar.gz -C /home/emmys/Pictures/Community/
mkdir /dir
rm -rf dir/ - delete all files and dir recursive
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk/bin - add to Path
shutdown -r now