4/3/2019 - 7:32 PM


// First we need to create a function constructor 
// Function constructors are functions made to create new objects off of arguments you pass down

let Person = function(name, age, profession) { = name;
    this.age = age;
    this.profession = profession;

// This function creates a new person based on what information you pass down into it

let nox= new Person('Nox', 68, 'Professional Bish');

// I am creating a brand new person called Nox

console.log(nox); // returns { name: 'Nox', age: 68, profession: 'Professional Bish' }

// The prototype is a property with an object as a value that comes with every object in JavaScript

// In order to access it all you need to do is:


// In order to write to it you just create a method under that object

Person.prototype.greet = function() {
    console.log(`Hi there! My name is ${} and I am a ${this.profession}`)

 nox.greet(); //  Returns 'Hi there! My name is Nox and I am Professional bish'

// You can access the object using the this keyword within the protoype
// Be careful not to use ES6 arrow functions here because the open up the lexical scope and change what the this keyword is referring to