10/7/2011 - 3:24 PM

Custom jQuery Selector to tag that contains text(ignore accents). It works equals :contains selector, but select all tags inpedendent of acc

Custom jQuery Selector to tag that contains text(ignore accents). It works equals :contains selector, but select all tags inpedendent of accents

(function($) {

                   var accent_map = {

			String.prototype.replaceEspecialChars = function() {
				var ret = '', s = this.toString();
				if (!s) { return ''; }
				for (var i=0; i<s.length; i++) {
					ret += accent_map[s.charAt(i)] || s.charAt(i);
				return ret;

			String.prototype.contains = function(otherString) {
				return this.toString().indexOf(otherString) !== -1;

			$.extend($.expr[':'], {

				'contains-IgnoreAccents' : function(elemt, idx, math) {
					var expression1 = math[3].toLowerCase(),
						semAcent1 = expression1.replaceEspecialChars(),
						expression2 = elemt.innerHTML.toLowerCase(),
						semAcent2 = expression2.replaceEspecialChars();

					return semAcent2.contains(semAcent1); 			

///using this:
/// $(":contains-IgnoreAccents('josé')")
///results: 'jose' and 'josé'