1/16/2013 - 7:27 PM


1. Cyber Security Assurance
 * Goal of Information Assurance
 * Seven Principles of Survivability and Information Assurance.
 * Survivable Functional Units
#* Definitions of Information Security:
#  - classical
#  - C-I-A
   - tree
 * Definitions of main pillars of IS:
   - confidentiality (two viewpoints)
   - possession (two viewpoints)
   - integrity (two viewpoints)
   - authenticity (two viewpoints)
   - availability (one viewpoint), availability vs. reliability, common availability values
   - utility (two viewpoints)
 * Physical security
   - definition
   - examples
   - policies
   - facility controls
   - personnel controls
 * Administrative security
   - definition
   - examples
 * IT Security
   - data security (vs. information security?)
   - communications security (comsec)
#* Information Assurance [slides 57, 69]
#* Computer Security (compusec)
#* Information Assurance Process [slide 73]
#* IA/IS axioms [slide 79] and approach !!!

2.1 Risk basics
 * Risk-based protection
#* Risk definition:
#  - general
#  - ISO 31000
 * Risk management
#* Risk appetite
 * Risk characteristics:
#  - uncertainity
#  - exposure
#  - problem
 * Terms related to risk:
#  - threat
#  - vulnerability
#  - exploit
#  - risk assessment
#  - risk management
 * Sources of risks
   - strategic
   - tactical
   - operations
   - reporting
   - compliance
 * Types of risk:
   - physical
   - human interaction
   - equipment malfunction
   - inside and outside attacks
   - misuse of data
   - loss of data
   - application error

###2.2 Principles of Risk Management
 * RM priorities
 * Strategic vs. tactical risk management
#* Operational plans
#* Policy
#* Procedure
#* Method
#* Rule
 * Terminology
   - asset, asset valuation
#  - threat, threat agent, threat event
   - vulnerability
#  - exposure
   - risk
#  - safeguard
   - attack
#  - breach
#* Threat vectors
   - Natural
   - Unintentional
   - Intentional (insider, outsider)
#* STRIDE model (-)
 * Threat trees
 * Threat identification
 * Mitigation strategies

2.3 Enterprise Risk Management
 * Definition
#* ISO 31000(:2009)
#  - key definitions (risk, risk management, risk management vs. managing risks)
#  - sections (principles, framework, process)
   - differences (what is measured, what is protected)
 * IT Risk Management Framework
   - controls
 * IT Risk Governance
#  - Risk IT (scope, principles)
   - three domains
 * Cobit 5
 * Risk IT
 * NIST Special Publications 800
   - NIST SP 800-53 (Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations)
   - NIST SP 800-37 (Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems)
   - NIST SP 800-39 (Integrated Enterprise-wide Risk Management)
   - NIST SP 800-53A (Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems and Organizations)
   - NIST SP 800-30 (Guide for Conducting Risk Assessments)
#* Agile Defence
   - inertia (cognitive, action, volitive)
   - boundary protection
   - examples
#* Agile strategy
 * Risk executive function

2.4 Cybersecurity risk management
 * Risk-based security engineering process
 * Subset of ERM
 * Fundamentals
 * Assymetry
 * Rating threats and risks
   - risk=probability*damage
#  - DREAD 
 * Best practises in Threat Management
 * Threat analysis
 * Risk analysis
 * Risk handling
 * Total risk
 * Risk calculation
#  - EF (exposure factor) (percentage of asset value)
#  - SLE (single loss expectancy) = asset_value*EF (how much in money)
#  - ARO (annual rate of occurence) (how many times)
#  - ALE (annual loss expectancy) = SLE*ARO (money)
 * Threat/risk caluclation
#  - ALE_before - ALE_after - cost_safeguard = value of the safeguard
 * Qualitative risk analysis
   - Delphi technique 
   - scenarios
   - heat map
 * Risk prioritization (impact, probability)
 * Residual risk (control gap)
 * OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset and Vulnerability Evaluation)
   - types
 * Microsoft Operations Framework
2.5 Risk Management Summary
#* ISMS (Information Security Management System) Framework

3. IT Strategy
#* Basics (mission, vision, objectives)
 * Strategy
 * Basis for strategies
   - operational excellence
   - customer intimacy
   - product leadership
#* Strategic planning
#* SWOT analysis
 * GAP analysis
 * Balanced Scoreboard
4. IT Governance
 * Enterprise Governance
 * Governance Triad
   - Governance
   - Compliance
   - Standards
 * IT Governance
 * Organizational Structure
 * Focus areas of IT Governance 
 * IT Strategic Alignment
#* Performance Measurement Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
#* IT Governance Life Cycle (*)
#* Maturity Models (and scales)
 * IT Demand Governance
   - plan
   - implement
   - manage
   - monitor

5.1 Project Management
 * Optimal size for interaction
 * Project definition
#* Project Life cycle 
   - the Gantt chart
 * Project Management Documentation
 * Project Order 
 * Final Report
 * The Need for Documentation
 * Needs for smaller projects
   - project charter
   - project plan
   - project status report
   - project issue document/log
   - project change control request
   - post implementation evalutation report
 * Needs for mid-sized projects
#* Process for Ventures
   - venture

5.2 Project Portfolio Management
 * Definition [slide 13]
 * Goals
 * PPM Process
 * Evaluation Criteria
 * Roles
 * OPM3

6. IT Service Management
 * Business Change Process
 * IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
 * ITIL Processes
 * Service Support Processes
#* Incident Management
#* Problem Management
 * Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
#* The Deming Cycle
 * Service Lifecycle
   - strategy
   - design
   - transition
   - operation
   - continous service improvement
 * Service Catalog

7.1 Secure software engineering (two branches of software engineering)
 * Waterfall method
 * Iterative method
 * Capability maturity model integration (CMMI)
#* Agile
#* Scrum

7.2 SSE
 * Complex Adaptive System (CAS)
 * Self-organized team
#* Lean Production ("Toyota Way")
   - just-in-time development
   - total quality management
   - continous process improvement (kaizen)
#* Reduction of waste
#* 5S
#* Poka-yoke (jidoki)
#* Kanban
   - CLASP