compass config boilerplate
# Note that while this file is in our config folder, it is
# symlinked to our site folders, so paths are relative from there
# Require gems and Compass plugins
# General
output_style = :compressed
relative_assets = true
project_path = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/'
# add_import_path project_path + '../all/public/assets/styles/src/'
# lib_dir = project_path + '../../system/lib/'
# Sass Paths
http_path = '/'
http_stylesheets_path = http_path + 'styles'
http_images_path = http_path + 'images'
# Sass Directories
css_dir = 'css'
sass_dir = 'scss'
images_dir = '../images'
fonts_dir = 'scss/frameworks/fontawesome/fonts'
# Quantize 8-bit sprites
# on_sprite_saved do |file|
# unless is_32bit?(file)
# quantize(file, lib_dir + 'pngquant/pngquant-mac')
# end
# optimize(file, 'ImageOptim')
# end
# Enable Debugging (Line Comments, FireSass)
# Invoke from command line: compass watch -e development --force
if environment == :development
line_comments = true
sass_options = { :debug_info => true }
# Methods
# def is_32bit?(file)
# File.basename(file).match(/^png(24|32)/)
# end
# def quantize(file, binary)
# png8_file = file.sub(/\.png/, '-fs8.png')
# system binary + ' ' + file
# sleep 2
# system 'mv -f ' + png8_file + ' ' + file
# growl('Sprite: ' + File.basename(file) + ' quantized')
# end
# def optimize(file, image_app)
# system 'open -a ' + image_app + '.app ' + file
# growl('Sprite: ' + File.basename(file) + ' optimized')
# end
# def growl(msg)
# GNTP.notify({
# :title => "Compass",
# :text => msg,
# :icon => "file://#{CompassGrowl::ICON}"
# })
# end