App::after if(App::Environment() != 'local') // HTML Minification
### --- Snip --- ###
App::after(function($request, $response)
// HTML Minification
if(App::Environment() != 'local')
if($response instanceof Illuminate\Http\Response)
$output = $response->getOriginalContent();
$filters = array(
'/<!--([^\[|(<!)].*)/' => '', // Remove HTML Comments (breaks with HTML5 Boilerplate)
'/(?<!\S)\/\/\s*[^\r\n]*/' => '', // Remove comments in the form /* */
'/\s{2,}/' => ' ', // Shorten multiple white spaces
'/(\r?\n)/' => '', // Collapse new lines
$output = preg_replace(array_keys($filters), array_values($filters), $output);
### --- Snip --- ###
### --- Snip --- ###
App::after(function($request, $response)
// HTML Minification
if(App::Environment() != 'local')
if($response instanceof Illuminate\Http\Response)
$output = $response->getOriginalContent();
// Clean comments
$output = preg_replace('/<!--([^\[|(<!)].*)/', '', $output);
$output = preg_replace('/(?<!\S)\/\/\s*[^\r\n]*/', '', $output);
// Clean Whitespace
$output = preg_replace('/\s{2,}/', '', $output);
$output = preg_replace('/(\r?\n)/', '', $output);
### --- Snip --- ###