1/10/2010 - 10:08 AM

from mock import Mock
from placidity.interpreter import Interpreter

# TODO: convert execute asserts to assert_called_with and handle
# return with return_value. Note that it's possible to mock the
# signatures in Mock 0.7 (fix after release or include svn version in
# /lib)

class TestInterpreter:
    def test_exception(self):
        interpreter = Interpreter()

        assert interpreter.interpret('foobar') == 'null'

    def test_no_return(self):
        def execute():
        command = self.create_command('foo', execute_method=execute)

        interpreter = Interpreter(command)

        assert interpreter.interpret('foo') == None

    def test_priority(self):
        def execute_1():
            return 'foo'
        command1 = self.create_command('bar', 'high', execute_1)

        def execute_2():
            return 'BYE'
        command2 = self.create_command('bar', 'normal', execute_2)

        def execute_3():
            return 'BYEBYE'
        command3 = self.create_command('bar', 'low', execute_3)

        interpreter = Interpreter([command1, command2, command3])

        assert interpreter.interpret('bar') == 'foo'

    def test_execute_parameters(self):
        def no_parameters():
            return 'executed command'

        def with_commands(commands):
            assert commands == [command, ]

            return 'executed command'

        def with_expression(expression):
            assert expression == 'command'

            return 'executed command'

        def with_variables(variables):
            assert variables == {}
            return 'executed command'

        def with_multiple_parameters(expression, commands,
            assert commands == [command, ]
            assert expression == 'command'
            assert variables == {}

            return 'executed command'

        execute_methods = (no_parameters, with_commands, with_expression, \
            with_variables, with_multiple_parameters, )

        command = self.create_command('command')
        interpreter = Interpreter(command)

        for execute_method in execute_methods:
            command.execute = execute_method

            assert interpreter.interpret('command') == 'executed command', \
                execute_method.__name__ + ' failed!'

    def test_execute_command(self):
        def execute():
            return 'executed command'

        command1 = self.create_command('foo', execute_method=execute)
        command2 = self.create_command('bar', execute_method=execute)

        interpreter = Interpreter([command1, command2, ])

        assert interpreter.interpret('foo') == 'executed command'

    def create_command(self, name, priority='normal', execute_method=None):
        command = Mock()
        command.aliases = name

        command.matches = Mock()
        command.matches.return_value = True

        if execute_method:
            command.execute = execute_method

        command.priority = priority

        return command
import inspect

class Commands(list):
    def __init__(self, commands):
        commands = commands if commands else []

        if not hasattr(commands, '__iter__'):
            commands = [commands]
        super(Commands, self).__init__(commands)

    def match(self, expression):
        priorities = ('high', 'normal', 'low')

        for priority in priorities:
            commands = self.find(priority=priority)

            for command in commands:
                if command.matches(expression):
                    return command

    def find(self, priority):
        return filter(lambda command: command.priority == priority, self)

class Interpreter:

    def __init__(self, commands=None):
        self.commands = Commands(commands)
        self.variables = {}

    def interpret(self, expression):
        possible_parameters = {'commands': self.commands,
            'expression': expression, 'variables': self.variables}

            command = self.commands.match(expression)
            args = self._get_args(command.execute)
            params = self._find_parameters(possible_parameters, args)

            return command.execute(**params)
            return 'null'

    def _get_args(self, method):
        return inspect.getargspec(method).args

    def _find_parameters(self, possible_parameters, args):
        ret = {}
        for name, value in possible_parameters.items():
            if name in args:
                ret[name] = value

        return ret