AWS EC2: Get All Untagged EC2 Instances
import boto3
# setting region, profile from credential provider
session = boto3.Session(
# declare ec2
ec2 = session.client('ec2')
# get a dictionary of all the instances
response = ec2.describe_instances()
# get the number of objects
obj_number = len(response['Reservations'])
# print the instance-id's with no tags
for objects in xrange(obj_number):
z = response['Reservations'][objects]['Instances'][0]['Tags'][0]['Key']
except KeyError as e:
untagged_instanceid = response['Reservations'][objects]['Instances'][0]['InstanceId']
untagged_state = response['Reservations'][objects]['Instances'][0]['State']['Name']
untagged_keyname = response['Reservations'][objects]['Instances'][0]['KeyName']
print("InstanceID: {0}, RunningState: {1}, KeyName: {2}".format(untagged_instanceid, untagged_state, untagged_keyname))
# $ python
# InstanceID: i-03b7608f2a9784cef, RunningState: running, KeyName: mykey
# InstanceID: i-01383968e138c20a4, RunningState: running, KeyName: mykey
# InstanceID: i-07ad00e454439f0c0, RunningState: running, KeyName: mykey