11/28/2016 - 8:32 AM

A template for contributing examples to the https://interface.fh-potsdam.de/gestalten-in-code/ website

A template for contributing examples to the https://interface.fh-potsdam.de/gestalten-in-code/ website

layout: default author: Max Mustermann author-url: https://my-homepage.tld title: My cool example tags: [P5.js, repeat, chance, Law of Sonething] permalink: /my-category/my-title/ summary: A short summary of my example

{% include_relative index.js %}
layout: default
author: Max Mustermann
author-url: https://my-homepage.tld
title: My cool example
tags: [P5.js, repeat, chance, Law of Something]
permalink: /my-category/my-title/
summary: A short summary of my example

<!-- more -->
<div class="hero">page.summary</div>

<div id="sketch"></div>

{% include_relative index.js %}

<script type="text/javascript" src="site.baseurl/assets/js/p5.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="site.baseurl/%20page.path%20%7C%20replace%3A%27.md%27%2C%27.js%27%20"></script>