#!/usr/bin/env python
# run-fan turns a fan on and off when temperature exceeds temperature
# thresholds.
# The fan comes with a MiuZei case, and can run on 3.3V (low speed) or
# 5V (high speed). The fan can be plugged into either 3.3V or 5.5v GPIO
# pin and to a ground GPIO pin, but that means the fan will always run
# and that isn't very much fun. Any fan can be used as long it can operate
# at 3.3V
# run-fan was tested on a raspberry pi running kodi on osmc using a 3.3v
# run-fan requires an S8050 NPN transistor and a resistor to be connected
# as follows:
# flat side of S8050 faces this way >
# S8050 pin c: connects to black (-) wire on fan
# S8050 pin b: connects to 110 Ohm Resistor and to GPIO pin 25
# S8050 pin e: connects to ground GPIO pin
# fan red (+): connects to 3.3v GPIO pin on raspberry pi 3
# GPIO pin 25 is used, but it can be changed
# run-fan starts automatically using systemd
# Create a systemd service file using:
# $ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/run-fan.service
# with the contents as shown below
# remove # and leading spaces:
# [Unit]
# Description=run fan when hot
# After=meadiacenter.service
# [Service]
# # If User and Group are not specified as root, then it won't work
# User=root
# Group=root
# Type=simple
# ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/osmc/run-fan.py
# Restart=always
# [Install]
# WantedBy=multi-user.target
# end of the run-fan.service
# ctrl-o, ENTER, ctrl-x to save and exit the nano editor
# After any changes to /lib/systemd/system/run-fan.service:
# sudo systemctl daemon-reload
# sudo systemctl enable run-fan.service
# sudo reboot
# Ensure the run-fan.service in systemd is enabled and running:
# systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled
# systemctl | grep running | grep fan
# systemctl status run-fan.service -l
# If there are any issues with starting the script using systemd,
# then examine the journal using:
# sudo journalctl -u run-fan.service
# The original script is from:
# Author: Edoardo Paolo Scalafiotti <edoardo849@gmail.com>
# Source: https://hackernoon.com/how-to-control-a-fan-to-cool-the-cpu-of-your-raspberrypi-3313b6e7f92c
import os
import time
import signal
import sys
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import datetime
sleepTime = 30 # Time to sleep between checking the temperature
# want to write unbuffered to file
fileLog = open('/home/osmc/run-fan.log', 'w+', 0)
# Log messages should be time stamped
def timeStamp():
t = time.time()
s = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S - ')
return s
# Write messages in a standard format
def printMsg(s):
fileLog.write(timeStamp() + s + "\n")
class Pin(object):
pin = 25 # GPIO or BCM pin number to turn fan on and off
def __init__(self):
GPIO.setup(self.pin, GPIO.OUT)
printMsg("Initialized: run-fan using GPIO pin: " + str(self.pin))
printMsg("If method setup doesn't work, need to run script as sudo")
# resets all GPIO ports used by this program
def exitPin(self):
def set(self, state):
GPIO.output(self.pin, state)
# Fan class
class Fan(object):
fanOff = True
def __init__(self):
self.fanOff = True
# Turn the fan on or off
def setFan(self, temp, on, myPin):
if on:
printMsg("Turning fan on " + str(temp))
printMsg("Turning fan off " + str(temp))
self.fanOff = not on
# Temperature class
class Temperature(object):
cpuTemperature = 0.0
startTemperature = 0.0
stopTemperature = 0.0
def __init__(self):
# Start temperature in Celsius
# Maximum operating temperature of Raspberry Pi 3 is 85C
# CPU performance is throttled at 82C
# running a CPU at lower temperatures will prolong its life
self.startTemperature = 60.0
# Wait until the temperature is M degrees under the Max before shutting off
self.stopTemperature = self.startTemperature - 5.0
printMsg("Start fan at: " + str(self.startTemperature))
printMsg("Stop fan at: " + str(self.stopTemperature))
def getTemperature(self):
# need to specify path for vcgencmd
res = os.popen('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
self.cpuTemperature = float((res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n","")))
# Using the CPU's temperature, turn the fan on or off
def checkTemperature(self, myFan, myPin):
if self.cpuTemperature > self.startTemperature:
# need to turn fan on, but only if the fan is off
if myFan.fanOff:
myFan.setFan(self.cpuTemperature, True, myPin)
elif self.cpuTemperature <= self.stopTemperature:
# need to turn fan off, but only if the fan is on
if not myFan.fanOff:
myFan.setFan(self.cpuTemperature, False, myPin)
printMsg("Starting: run-fan")
myPin = Pin()
myFan = Fan()
myTemp = Temperature()
while True:
myTemp.checkTemperature(myFan, myPin)
# Read the temperature every N sec (sleepTime)
# Turning a device on & off can wear it out
except KeyboardInterrupt: # trap a CTRL+C keyboard interrupt
printMsg("keyboard exception occurred")
printMsg("ERROR: an unhandled exception occurred")
做开关使用,那么只有饱和/截止状态,不存在电流放大能力。事实情况是,一般负载接集电极的! 如果你放在发射集,会导致三极管的pn节偏置电压受负载影响