Storing R Objects as a SQLite Blob
#' ## Storing R Objects in a SQLite Database
#' Two packages we are using. The first is the ```RSQLite``` which will be used to create and manage an in-memory SQLite database. The second is ```igraph``` which I will use to create and visualize a random network. Some of the work I do is on network simulation. I often don't know the metrics I need from a simulated network when it's created, so I want to be able to store the networks that are created so that I can go back later and analyze them.
#' Create a database in memory.
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), ":memory:")
#' The table has two columns, an *id* column and a column called *graph* which is a **blob** type. This type just stores binary data.
dbGetQuery(con, 'create table if not exists graphs
(_id integer primary key autoincrement,
graph blob)')
#' Create a bunch of random graphs [Watts-Strogatz graphs](
gs <- list()
for(i in 1:10)
gs[[i]] <-, 100, 5, 0.05)
#' Here's the meaty part. The *serialize* function will take an object and convert it to a raw vector of bytes. Then the *I* function forces the data.frame to store the whole vector as an entry in the data.frame.
df <- data.frame(a = 1:10,
g = I(lapply(gs, function(x) { serialize(x, NULL)})))
#' Now insert the data into the table.
dbGetPreparedQuery(con, 'insert into graphs (graph) values (:g)',
#' Try getting the data out.
df2 <- dbGetQuery(con, "select * from graphs")
#' Convert it back to a list of graphs.
gs2 <- lapply(df2$graph, 'unserialize')
#' Compulsory picture of the network.
g <- gs2[[1]]
V(g)$size <- log(betweenness(g))
plot(g, vertex.label = NA)