Ultimate javascript Oop Cheet Sheet
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Object Oriented JavaScript</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
// A basic JavaScript object with properties and a method
var customer = {
name: 'Tom Smith',
speak: function(){
// this allows you to reference a specific objects value
// without knowing the objects name
return "My name is " + this.name;
// Objects can contain other objects
address: {
street: '123 Main St',
city: 'Pittsburgh',
state: 'PA'
document.write(customer.speak()+ "<br />");
// You access properties and object properties like this
document.write(customer.name + " lives at " + customer.address.street + "<br />");
// You can add properties
customer.address.country = "US";
document.write(customer.address.country + "<br />");
// Creating multiple objects of the same type with Constructor
// Functions. Constructors provide the functions that classes
// provide in other languages
function Person(name, street) {
// this allows us to refer to an object even though we
// don't know its name before it is created
this.name = name;
this.street = street;
this.info = function(){
return "My name is " + this.name + " and I live on " + this.street;
// You call constructor functions with new
var bobSmith = new Person("Bob Smith", "234 Main St");
document.write(bobSmith.info() + "<br />");
// instanceof tells you if an object is of a certain type
document.write("Bob is a person : " + (bobSmith instanceof Person) + "<br />");
// You can pass an object to a function and change values
function changeName(person){
person.name = "Sue Smith";
document.write("Bob became " + bobSmith.name + "<br />");
// Objects are only equal if they reference the same object
var person1 = new Person("Paul", "123 Main");
var person2 = new Person("Paul", "123 Main");
document.write("Are they equal " + (person1 == person2) + "<br />");
// ---------- PROTOTYPE ----------
// Every function has a prototype property that contains an object
// You can add properties and methods to the prototype object
// and then when you call for them to execute they are used
// just as if they belonged to the object
function getSum(num1, num2){
return num1 + num2;
// Get the number of function arguments
document.write("Num of arguments : " + getSum.length + "<br />");
// You can add properties and methods to this object
function Mammal(name){
this.name = name;
this.getInfo = function(){
return "The mammals name is " + this.name;
// Use prototype to add a property
Mammal.prototype.sound = "Grrrrr";
// Use it to add a method
Mammal.prototype.makeSound = function() {
return this.name + " says " + this.sound;
var grover = new Mammal("Grover");
document.write(grover.makeSound() + "<br />");
// List all properties of an object
for( var prop in grover){
document.write(prop + " : " + grover[prop] + "<br />");
// Check which property belongs to prototype vs. the object grover
document.write("name Property of Grover : " + grover.hasOwnProperty("name") + "<br />");
document.write("sound Property of Grover : " + grover.hasOwnProperty("sound") + "<br />");
// You can add methods to built in JS objects
Array.prototype.inArray = function inArray(value){
for(i = 0; i < this.length; i++){
if(this[i] === value){
return true;
return false;
var sampArray = [1,2,3,4,5];
document.write("3 in array : " + sampArray.inArray(3) + "<br />");
// ---------- PRIVATE PROPERTIES ----------
// All properties in an object are public in that any function
// can modify or delete these properties.
// You can make properties private by declaring them as
// variables in a constructor
function SecretCode(){
// This value can't be accessed directly
var secretNum = 78;
// This function can access secretNum
this.guessNum = function(num){
if(num > 78){
return "Lower";
} else if(num < 78){
return "Higher";
} else {
return "You Guessed It";
var secret = new SecretCode();
// Returns undefined
document.write("Value of secretNum : " + secret.secretNum + "<br />");
document.write("Is 70 the number : " + secret.guessNum(70) + "<br />");
// Even if we add another function it can't access the secretNum
SecretCode.prototype.getSecret = function(){
return this.secretNum;
document.write("The secret number is " + secret.getSecret() + "<br />");
// ---------- GETTERS AND SETTERS ----------
// Getters and Setters can protect data, or provide useful
// ways to set its value
// I'll show you a bunch of getters and setters you may come
// in contact with
var address = {
street: "No Street",
city: "No City",
state: "No State",
// Provides styled data all at once
get getAddress() {
return this.street + ", " + this.city + ", " + this.state;
// Allows the user to set 3 values with 1
set setAddress (theAddress) {
var parts = theAddress.toString().split(", ");
this.street = parts[0] || '';
this.city = parts[1] || '';
this.state = parts[2] || '';
address.setAddress = "123 Main St, Pittsburgh, PA";
document.write("Address : " + address.getAddress + "<br />");
document.write("City : " + address.city + "<br />");
// ---------- CONSTRUCTOR GETTERS AND SETTERS ----------
// Still used even though it is (Deprecated)
function Coordinates(){
this.latitude = 0.0;
this.longitude = 0.0;
// Define the getter with the prototype to assign it to with
// the property name and the getter function
Object.__defineGetter__.call(Coordinates.prototype, "getCoords", function(){
return "Lat : " + this.latitude + " Long: " + this.longitude;
// Define the setter with the prototype to assign it to with
// the property name and the setter function
Object.__defineSetter__.call(Coordinates.prototype, "setCoords", function(coords){
var parts = coords.toString().split(", ");
this.latitude = parts[0] || '';
this.longitude = parts[1] || '';
var testCoords = new Coordinates();
testCoords.setCoords = "40.71, 74.00";
document.write("Coordinates : " + testCoords.getCoords + "<br />");
function Point(){
this.xPos = 0;
this.yPos = 0;
// Use defineProperty to set getters and setters
// Pass the prototype to attach to along with the property name
// and define the functions to associate with get and set
Object.defineProperty(Point.prototype, "pointPos", {
get: function(){
return "X: " + this.xPos + " Y: " + this.yPos;
set: function(thePoint){
var parts = thePoint.toString().split(", ");
this.xPos = parts[0] || '';
this.yPos = parts[1] || '';
var aPoint = new Point();
aPoint.pointPos = "100, 200";
document.write("Point Position : " + aPoint.pointPos + "<br />");
// ---------- ECMASCRIPT 5.1 GETTERS AND SETTERS ----------
var Circle = function (radius) {
this._radius = radius;
Circle.prototype = {
set radius(radius) { this._radius = radius; },
get radius() { return this._radius; },
get area() { return Math.PI * (this._radius * this._radius); }
var circ = new Circle(10);
circ.radius = 15;
document.write("A circle with radius " + circ.radius + " has an area of " + circ.area.toFixed(2) + "<br />");
// ---------- INHERITANCE ----------
// When we ask for a property if it isn't found in the main object
// then it is searched for in the prototype object. We are able
// to inherit methods and variables from any object in a
// chain of objects.
function Animal(){
this.name = "Animal";
// toString is a function in the main Object that every
// object inherits from
this.toString = function() {
return "My name is : " + this.name;
function Canine(){
this.name = "Canine";
function Wolf(){
this.name = "Wolf";
// Overwrite the prototype for Canine and Wolf
Canine.prototype = new Animal();
Wolf.prototype = new Canine();
// After you overwrite prototype its constructor points to the
// main object object so you have to reset the constructor after
Canine.prototype.constructor = Canine;
Wolf.prototype.constructor = Wolf;
var arcticWolf = new Wolf();
// Wolf inherits toString from Animal
document.write(arcticWolf.toString() + "<br />");
document.write("Wolf instance of Animal : " + (arcticWolf instanceof Animal) + "<br />");
// Properties added to any object in the chain is inherited
Animal.prototype.sound = "Grrrrr";
Animal.prototype.getSound = function(){
return this.name + " says " + this.sound;
Canine.prototype.sound = "Woof";
Wolf.prototype.sound = "Grrrr Wooof";
document.write(arcticWolf.getSound() + "<br />");
// More often then not it makes more sense to just inherit the
// prototype to speed up the lookup process
function Rodent(){
this.name = "Rodent";
function Rat(){
this.name = "Rat";
Rodent.prototype = new Animal();
Rat.prototype = Rodent.prototype;
Rodent.prototype.constructor = Rodent;
Rat.prototype.constructor = Rat;
var caneRat = new Rat();
// Wolf inherits toString from Animal
document.write(caneRat.toString() + "<br />");
function extend(Child, Parent){
var Temp = function(){};
Temp.prototype = Parent.prototype;
Child.prototype = new Temp();
Child.prototype.constructor = Child;
function Deer(){
this.name = "Deer";
this.sound = "Snort";
extend(Deer, Animal);
var elk = new Deer();
document.write(elk.getSound() + "<br />");
// ---------- CALL PARENT METHODS ----------
function Vehicle(name) {
this.name = "Vehicle"
// Functions for the parent object
Vehicle.prototype = {
drive: function(){
return this.name + " drives forward";
stop: function(){
return this.name + " stops";
function Truck(name) {
this.name = name
// Inherit from Vehicle
Truck.prototype = new Vehicle();
Truck.prototype.constructor = Truck;
// Overwrite drive parent method
Truck.prototype.drive = function(){
// Call the parent method with apply so that the parent
// method can access the Trucks name value
var driveMsg = Vehicle.prototype.drive.apply(this);
return driveMsg += " through a field";
var jeep = new Truck("Jeep");
document.write(jeep.drive() + "<br />");
document.write(jeep.stop() + "<br />");
// ---------- SINGLETON PATTERN ----------
// Singletons are used when you only ever want 1 object to
// be created
// Let's say you want to create a game character with fixed
// stats
function Hero(name){
// Check if the object exists
if(typeof Hero.instance === 'object'){
// If it does return it
return Hero.instance;
// if it doesn't then create the hero
this.name = name;
Hero.instance = this;
return this;
var derekHero = new Hero("Derek");
document.write("Are hero is " + derekHero.name + "<br />");
// This won't change the name to Paul
var paulHero = new Hero("Paul");
document.write("Are hero is " + paulHero.name + "<br />");
// ---------- FACTORY PATTERN ----------
// The factory pattern can be used to generate different
// objects on request
function Sword(desc){
this.weaponType = "Sword";
this.metal = desc.metal || "Steel";
this.style = desc.style || "Longsword";
this.hasMagic = desc.hasMagic || false;
function Bow(desc){
this.weaponType = "Bow";
this.material = desc.material || "Wood";
this.style = desc.style || "Longbow";
this.hasMagic = desc.hasMagic || false;
function WeaponFactory(){};
WeaponFactory.prototype.makeWeapon = function(desc){
var weaponClass = null;
if(desc.weaponType === "Sword"){
weaponClass = Sword;
} else if (desc.weaponType === "Bow"){
weaponClass = Bow;
} else {
return false;
return new weaponClass(desc);
var myWeaponFact = new WeaponFactory();
var bladeFist = myWeaponFact.makeWeapon({
weaponType: "Sword",
metal: "Dark Iron",
style: "Scythe",
hasMagic: true
document.write(bladeFist.weaponType + " of type " + bladeFist.style + " crafted from " + bladeFist.metal + "<br />");
// ---------- DECORATOR PATTERN ----------
// The decorator pattern allows you alter an object at run time
function Pizza(price){
this.price = price || 10;
Pizza.prototype.getPrice = function(){
return this.price;
function ExtraCheese(pizza){
var prevPrice = pizza.price;
pizza.price = prevPrice + 1;
var myPizza = new Pizza(10);
document.write("Cost of Pizza : $" + myPizza.price + "<br />");
// ---------- OBSERVER PATTERN ----------
// A single object notifies many objects (observers) when a
// state change occurs
var Observable = function() {
this.subscribers = [];
Observable.prototype = {
subscribe: function(subscriber) {
// Add the subscriber object to the list
unsubscribe: function(unsubscriber) {
// Cycle through the subscriber array and delete
// the unsubscriber
for (i = 0; i < this.subscribers.length; i++) {
if (this.subscribers[i] === unsubscriber) {
this.subscribers.splice(i, 1);
// We assume it only subscribed once so we
// leave after it is found
return unsubscriber.name;
publish: function(data) {
// Cycle through all subscribers and send them the update
for (i = 0; i < this.subscribers.length; i++) {
var OrganFanny = {
name: "Organ Fanny",
receiveData: function(data){
document.write(this.name + " received your info : " + data + "<br />");
var BoldmanYaks = {
name: "Boldman Yaks",
receiveData: function(data){
document.write(this.name + " received your info : " + data + "<br />");
// Add subscribers and alert them
observable = new Observable();
observable.publish('IBM at $145.30');
document.write(observable.unsubscribe(OrganFanny) + " Unsubscribed<br />");
observable.publish('IBM at $145.33');