1/26/2017 - 1:40 AM

Intro to the Console

Intro to the Console

Intro to the Console for Aaron

  • cd (changes directory)

  • cd ~ (changes to home directory)

  • cd .. (moves up one directory)

  • ls (lists files in folder)

  • pwd (shows current directory)

  • mkdir <FOLDERNAME> (creates new directory)

  • touch <FILENAME> (creates a file)

  • rm <FILENAME> (deletes file)

  • rm -r <FOLDERNAME> (deletes a folder, note the -r)

  • open . (opens the current folder. MAC SPECIFIC)

  • open <FILENAME> (opens a specific file. MAC SPECIFIC)

  • explorer <FILENAME> (opens the specific file. BASH SPECIFIC)

  • explorer . (opens the current folder. BASH SPECIFIC)