6/8/2013 - 10:46 AM

Grunt watch task for compiling scss, js and trigerring a livereload

Grunt watch task for compiling scss, js and trigerring a livereload

watch: {
  scss: {
    	options: {
			nospawn: true,
			interrupt: true
		files: ['resources/scss/**/*.scss'],
		tasks: ['sass:dev']

	js: {
		options: {
			nospawn: true,
			interrupt: true
		files: [
		tasks: ['uglify']
	livereload: {
		options: { livereload: true },
		files: [
livereload: {
	options: { livereload: true },
	files: [
		// When these files are changed, livereload is triggered
		// Make sure this directory is the same as the one your site points to