3/5/2010 - 2:04 AM

jQuery mutator for MooTools

jQuery mutator for MooTools

var MyClass = new Class({
    Implements: [Options,Events],
    options: {},
    jQuery: {
        method: 'jqfun',
        helpers: ['one', 'two']
    initialize: function(){},
    one: function(){},
    two: function(){},
    three: function(){}

var mine = new MyClass();
Class.Mutators.jQuery= function(jquery){
    return jquery;
Class.Mutators.initialize = function(initialize){
    return function(){
        //console.log("add ", this.jQuery.method, " to jQuery");
        jQuery.fn[this.jQuery.method] = function(){};
            //console.log("add ", name, " as ", this[name], " to jQuery.", this.jQuery.method);
            jQuery.fn[this.jQuery.method][name] = this[name];
        }, this);
        return initialize.apply(this, arguments);