9/2/2017 - 12:16 PM

Rock, Paper, Scissors ex:

Rock, Paper, Scissors ex:

    // Creates an array that lists out all of the options (Rock, Paper, or Scissors).
    var computerChoices = ["r", "p", "s"];
    // Creating variables to hold the number of wins, losses, and ties. They start at 0.
    var wins = 0;
    var losses = 0;
    var ties = 0;
    // This function is run whenever the user presses a key.
    document.onkeyup = function(event) {
      // Determines which key was pressed.
      var userGuess = event.key;
      // Randomly chooses a choice from the options array. This is the Computer's guess.
      var computerGuess = computerChoices[Math.floor(Math.random() * computerChoices.length)];
      // Reworked our code from last step to use "else if" instead of lots of if statements.
      // This logic determines the outcome of the game (win/loss/tie), and increments the appropriate number
      if ((userGuess === "r") || (userGuess === "p") || (userGuess === "s")) {
        if ((userGuess === "r") && (computerGuess === "s")) {
        } else if ((userGuess === "r") && (computerGuess === "p")) {
        } else if ((userGuess === "s") && (computerGuess === "r")) {
        } else if ((userGuess === "s") && (computerGuess === "p")) {
        } else if ((userGuess === "p") && (computerGuess === "r")) {
        } else if ((userGuess === "p") && (computerGuess === "s")) {
        } else if (userGuess === computerGuess) {
        // Creating a variable to hold our new HTML. Our HTML now keeps track of the user and computer guesses, and wins/losses/ties.
        var html =
          "<p>You chose: " + userGuess + "</p>" +
          "<p>The computer chose: " + computerGuess + "</p>" +
          "<p>wins: " + wins + "</p>" +
          "<p>losses: " + losses + "</p>" +
          "<p>ties: " + ties + "</p>";
        // Set the inner HTML contents of the #game div to our html string
        document.querySelector("#game").innerHTML = html;