Simple Python IRC bot
import socket
import sys
from random import randint
import re
#----------------------------------- Settings --------------------------------------#
network = ''
port = 6667
homechan = '#berend'
irc = socket.socket ( socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM )
irc.connect ( ( network, port ) )
print irc.recv ( 4096 )
irc.send ( 'PASS *********\r\n')
irc.send ( 'NICK bython\r\n' )
irc.send ( 'USER bython bython bython :Python IRC\r\n' )
#---------------------------------- Functions -------------------------------------#
def readAdmin(host): # Return status 0/1
bestand = open('admins.txt', 'r')
for line in bestand:
if host in line:
status = 1
return status
status = 0
return status
def GetHost(host): # Return Host
host = host.split('@')[1]
host = host.split(' ')[0]
return host
def GetChannel(data): # Return Channel
channel = data.split('#')[1]
channel = channel.split(':')[0]
channel = '#' + channel
channel = channel.strip(' \t\n\r')
return channel
def GetNick(data): # Return Nickname
nick = data.split('!')[0]
nick = nick.replace(':', ' ')
nick = nick.replace(' ', '')
nick = nick.strip(' \t\n\r')
return nick
def Send(msg):
irc.send('PRIVMSG ' + homechan + ' : ' + msg + '\r\n')
def Join(chan):
irc.send ( 'JOIN ' + chan + '\r\n' )
def Part(chan):
irc.send ( 'PART ' + chan + '\r\n' )
def Op(to_op, chan):
irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' +o: ' + to_op + '\r\n')
def DeOp(to_deop, chan):
irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' -o: ' + to_deop + '\r\n')
def Voice(to_v, chan):
irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' +v: ' + to_v + '\r\n')
def DeVoice(to_dv, chan):
irc.send( 'MODE ' + chan + ' -v: ' + to_dv + '\r\n')
while True:
action = 'none'
data = irc.recv ( 4096 )
print data
if data.find ( 'Welcome to the OnlineGamesNet IRC Network' ) != -1:
if data.find ( 'PING' ) != -1:
irc.send ( 'PONG ' + data.split() [ 1 ] + '\r\n' )
#--------------------------- Action check --------------------------------#
if data.find('#') != -1:
action = data.split('#')[0]
action = action.split(' ')[1]
if data.find('NICK') != -1:
if data.find('#') == -1:
action = 'NICK'
#----------------------------- Actions -----------------------------------#
if action != 'none':
if action == 'PRIVMSG':
if data.find('$') != -1:
x = data.split('#')[1]
x = x.split('$')[1]
info = x.split(' ')
info[0] = info[0].strip(' \t\n\r')
if info[0] == 'op':
host = GetHost(data)
status = readAdmin(host)
if status == 1:
chan = GetChannel(data)
Op(info[1], chan)
if info[0] == 'deop':
host = GetHost(data)
status = readAdmin(host)
if status == 1:
chan = GetChannel(data)
DeOp(info[1], chan)
if info[0] == 'voice':
host = GetHost(data)
status = readAdmin(host)
if status == 1:
chan = GetChannel(data)
Voice(info[1], chan)
if info[0] == 'devoice':
host = GetHost(data)
status = readAdmin(host)
if status == 1:
chan = GetChannel(data)
DeVoice(info[1], chan)
if info[0] == 'join':
Join('#' + info[1])
if info[0] == 'part':
Part('#' + info[1])
if info[0] == 'version':
Send('Im a Python IRC bot coded by berend')
if action == 'MODE':
Host = GetHost(data)
status = readAdmin(Host)
if status == 0:
if data.find('-o') != -1:
to_op = data.split('-o')[1]
chan = GetChannel(data)
chan = chan.split('-o')[0]
Op(to_op, chan)
if data.find('+o') != -1:
to_deop = data.split('+o')[1]
chan = GetChannel(data)
chan = chan.split('+o')[0]
DeOp(to_deop, chan)
if action == 'JOIN':
Host = GetHost(data)
status = readAdmin(Host)
if status == 1:
chan = GetChannel(data)
nick = GetNick(data)
Op(nick, chan)