4/14/2015 - 6:20 PM

[ARC adjustment observation] Dtrace snippets and scripts for observing ARC behavior. #tags: arc, zfs-arc, arc-latency, arc-eviction, latency

[ARC adjustment observation] Dtrace snippets and scripts for observing ARC behavior. #tags: arc, zfs-arc, arc-latency, arc-eviction, latency, changes, mutexes, shrinking, evictions, arc-throughput, cache, zfs-cache

dtrace -qn '
   * Mesure the amount of time it takes to adjust the size of ARC
   * by given amount of bytes. We expect 1-second granularity and
   * data being in KBytes, and duration being in microseconds (us).
    start_time = timestamp;
    interval = 0; data = 0;
  ::arc_adjust:entry {
    self->ts = timestamp;
  ::arc_adjust:return / self->ts > 0/ {
    this->delta = (timestamp-self->ts) / 1000;
    this->kb    = args[1] / 1024;
    self->ts    = 0;
    data        = 1;
    @avlat[interval]      = avg(this->delta);
    @tottime[interval]    = sum(this->delta);
    @longest[interval]    = max(this->delta);
    @sz[interval]         = sum(this->kb);
   * We want to make sure to print NAs instead of 0's or nothing
   * in order to maintain regular time-series, more or less.
  tick-1sec /!data/ {
    printf("%d,NA,NA,NA,NA\n", interval) ;
    interval = (timestamp - start_time) / 1000000000 ;
  tick-1sec /data/ {
    data = 0 ; 
    interval = (timestamp - start_time) / 1000000000 ;
    printa("%d,%@d,%@d,%@d,%@d\n", @sz, @avlat, @longest, @tottime);
    trunc(@tottime); trunc(@sz); 
    trunc(@avlat); trunc(@longest);
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -Cs
/* Dtrace script checking for whether arc_adjust was called from from arc_shrink
 or from arc_reclaim_thread.
#pragma D option quiet
#define AR "arc_reclaim_thread"
#define AS "arc_shrink" 

    x["arc_reclaim_thread"] = 0;
    x["arc_shrink"] = 0;
    in_shrink = 0;
    in_reclaim = 0;
    new_data = 0;

  ::arc_reclaim_thread:entry {

  ::arc_shrink:entry {

  ::arc_adjust:return /in_reclaim/ {
    x[AR] = args[1];

  ::arc_adjust:return /in_shrink/ {
    x[AS] = args[1];

  ::arc_adjust:return /x[AR] && x[AS]/ {
    @[AR] = sum(x[AR]);
    @[AS] = sum(x[AS]);
    x[AR] = 0;
    x[AS] = 0;
    in_reclaim = --in_reclaim ? in_reclaim > 0 : 0;
    in_shrink = --in_shrink ? in_shrink > 0 : 0;

  tick-1sec /new_data/ {
    new_data = 0;
dtrace -qn '
    BEGIN { 
        in_shrink = 0;
    ::arc_adjust:entry,::arc_kmem_reap_now:entry {
        self->x[curpsinfo->pr_psargs] = timestamp;
    /* If the ARC is being resized we need to know about this. */
        in_shrink = 1;

/self->x[curpsinfo->pr_psargs] && ((timestamp - self->x[curpsinfo->pr_psargs]) / 1000000 > 0)/
    printf("%Y,%d,%d\n", walltimestamp, in_shrink,
        (timestamp - self->x[curpsinfo->pr_psargs]) / 1000000);
    self->x[curpsinfo->pr_psargs] = 0;
    in_shrink = 0;
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
 * Copyright (c) 2015, RackTop Systems.
 * Description:
 * This script is meant to obtain information about ARC internal state, from
 * values that are not necessarily exposed via kstat, and these values are
 * potentially modified inside of arc_shrink. As such, we are trying to observe
 * values at the beginning and at the end of the function call.

    "timestamp", "duration", "avail.rmem", "free.mem", "lotsfree.mem",
    "c.adjust", "p.adjust", "size.adjust",
    "", "arc_c_min", "arc_c_max",
    "", "", "",
    "c.bottom", "p.bottom", "c.size.bottom",
    "", "",
    "", ""
::arc_shrink:entry {
  self->availrmem = (pgcnt_t)`availrmem << 12;
  self->freemem   = (pgcnt_t)`freemem << 12;
  self->lotsfree  = (pgcnt_t)`lotsfree << 12;
  self->start     = timestamp;
  self->tofree    = args[0];
  self->c_min     = `arc_stats.arcstat_c_min.value.ull;
  self->c_max     = `arc_stats.arcstat_c_max.value.ull;
  self->c_top     = `arc_stats.arcstat_c.value.ull;
  self->p_top     = `arc_stats.arcstat_p.value.ull;
  self->size_top  = `arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.ull;
  self->c_gt_arc_c_min_top = self->c_top > self->c_min ? 1 : 0;
  self->c_gt_arc_p_top = self->c_top > self->p_top ? 1 : 0;

::arc_shrink:return /self->start/ {
  this->delta     = (timestamp - self->start) / 1000; /* Duration of call */
  self->size_btm  = `arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.ull;
  self->c_btm     = `arc_stats.arcstat_c.value.ull;
  self->p_btm     = `arc_stats.arcstat_p.value.ull;
  self->c_gt_arc_c_min_btm = self->c_btm > self->c_min ? 1 : 0;
  self->c_gt_arc_p_btm = self->c_btm > self->p_btm ? 1 : 0;
  this->c_adjust = self->c_top - self->c_btm;
  this->p_adjust = self->p_top - self->p_btm;
  this->size_adjust = self->size_top - self->size_btm;

  walltimestamp, this->delta, self->availrmem, self->freemem, self->lotsfree,
  this->c_adjust, this->p_adjust, this->size_adjust,
  self->tofree, self->c_min, self->c_max,
  self->c_top, self->p_top, self->size_top,
  self->c_btm, self->p_btm, self->size_btm,
  self->c_gt_arc_c_min_top, self->c_gt_arc_p_top,
  self->c_gt_arc_c_min_btm, self->c_gt_arc_p_btm
dtrace -qn '
    ts = walltimestamp;
  ::arc_shrink:entry /ts/ {
    this->tofree = args[0];
    this->min = `arc_stats.arcstat_c_min.value.ull;
    this->max = `arc_stats.arcstat_c_max.value.ull;
    @[ts, this->min, this->max] = sum(this->tofree);
  tick-1sec {
    printa("%Y,%d,%d,%@d\n", @);
    ts = walltimestamp;
// More detailed version of the above snippet.
dtrace -qn '
    ts = walltimestamp;
  ::arc_shrink:entry /ts/ {
    self->tofree = args[0];
    self->min  = `arc_stats.arcstat_c_min.value.ull;
    self->max  = `arc_stats.arcstat_c_max.value.ull;
    self->c    = `arc_stats.arcstat_c.value.ull;
    self->p    = `arc_stats.arcstat_p.value.ull;
    self->size = `arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.ull;
  ::arc_shrink:return /ts/ {
    printf("%Y,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n", walltimestamp,
    self->tofree, self->min, self->max, self->c, self->p, self->size);
dtrace -qn '
  #pragma option dynvarsize=1M
          "timestamp", "call.count", "b512.count", "b1024.count", 
          "b2048.count", "b4096.count", "b16384.count", "b32768.count", 
          "b65536.count", "b131072.count", "");
    have_data = 0;
    ts = walltimestamp;
  ::arc_release:entry /ts/ {
    this->bhdr = args[0]->b_hdr;
    self->sz = this->bhdr->b_size;
    self->start = timestamp;
  ::arc_release:return /ts/ {
    this->delta = timestamp - self->start;
    @cnt[ts]    = count();
    @dur[ts]    = sum(this->delta/1000);
    /* If size matches bucket, add 1 to sum for that bucket, build buckets
     * for common buffer sizes, such as 512, 4K, 16K, 32K, etc.
    @cnt512[ts]    = sum(self->sz == 512 ? 1 :0);
    @cnt1024[ts]   = sum(self->sz == 1024 ? 1 :0);
    @cnt2048[ts]   = sum(self->sz == 2048 ? 1 :0);
    @cnt4096[ts]   = sum(self->sz == 4096 ? 1 :0);
    @cnt16384[ts]  = sum(self->sz == 16384 ? 1 :0);
    @cnt32768[ts]  = sum(self->sz == 32768 ? 1 :0);
    @cnt65536[ts]  = sum(self->sz == 65536 ? 1 :0);
    @cnt131072[ts] = sum(self->sz == 131072 ? 1 :0);
   * Zero values to avoid gaps in time-series, so as to make it easier 
   * to plot this information.
  tick-1sec /!have_data/ {
    ts = walltimestamp;
    printf("%Y,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0\n", ts);
  tick-1sec /have_data/ {
          @cnt, @cnt512, @cnt1024, @cnt2048, 
          @cnt4096, @cnt16384, @cnt32768, 
          @cnt65536, @cnt131072, @dur); 
    trunc(@cnt512); trunc(@cnt1024); 
    trunc(@cnt2048); trunc(@cnt4096);
    trunc(@cnt16384); trunc(@cnt32768); 
    trunc(@cnt65536); trunc(@cnt131072);
    trunc(@cnt); trunc(@dur);
    have_data = 0;
    ts = walltimestamp;
  END {
dtrace -qn '
   * Measure amount of time spent between start and stop of arc_release,
   * as well as time spent in the mutex locks while inside of arc_release.
    ts = walltimestamp;
  int self x[kthread_t *];

  ::arc_release:entry {
    this->start = timestamp;

  lockstat::mutex_enter:adaptive-acquire /self->x[curthread] > 0/ {
    /* arg0 is a pointer to kmutex_t struct representing the lock */
    self->start[arg0] = timestamp;
    @cnt_lck[ts] = count();

  lockstat::mutex_exit:adaptive-release /self->start[arg0]/ {
    this->delta = timestamp - self->start[arg0];
    @t_lck[ts] = sum(this->delta / 1000);
    self->start[arg0] = 0;
  ::arc_release:return /self->x[curthread]/ {
    this->delta = timestamp - this->start;
    self->x[curthread] = 0;
    @t_ar[ts] = sum(this->delta / 1000);
    @cnt_ar[ts] = count();
  tick-1sec {
          @cnt_ar, @cnt_lck, @t_ar, @t_lck);
    trunc(@cnt_lck); trunc(@t_lck); trunc(@cnt_ar); trunc(@t_ar);
    ts = walltimestamp;
dtrace -qn '
  int data, start;
    start = timestamp;
  ::arc_evict_state_impl:entry {
    self->start = timestamp;
  ::arc_evict_state_impl:return /timestamp - self->start > 0/ {
    this->delta = timestamp - self->start ;
    this->offset = (timestamp - start) / 1000000000 ;
    @cnt[this->offset]    = count();
    @dur[this->offset]    = sum(this->delta/1000);
    /* total number of kilobytes evicted */
    @evsz[this->offset]   = sum(args[1] >> 10);
    @arcsz[this->offset]  = avg(`arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.ui64 >> 10);
    data = 1 ;
   * NA values to avoid gaps in time-series, so as to make it easier 
   * to plot this information.
  tick-1sec /!data/ {
    printf("%d,NA,NA,NA,NA\n", (timestamp - start) / 1000000000);
  tick-1sec /data/ {
    printa("%d,%@d,%@d,%@d,%@d\n", @cnt, @arcsz, @evsz, @dur);
    trunc(@cnt); trunc(@arcsz); trunc(@evsz); trunc(@dur);
    data = 0;
  END {
dtrace -qn '
  int data, start;
            "timedelta", "call.count", "", "arc.c.kb", "evict.kb",
            "av.evict.kb", "", ""
    start = timestamp;
  ::arc_evict_state_impl:entry {
    self->start = timestamp;
  ::arc_evict_state_impl:return /timestamp - self->start > 0/ {
    this->delta = timestamp - self->start ;
    data        = 1 ;

    @cnt        = count();
    @dur        = sum(this->delta/1000);
    @longest    = max(this->delta/1000);
    /* total number of kilobytes evicted */
    @evsz       = sum(args[1] >> 10);
    @arcszkb    = avg(`arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.ui64 >> 10);
    @arcckb     = avg(`arc_stats.arcstat_c.value.ui64 >> 10);
    @avevkb     = avg(args[1] >> 10); /* average KB per eviction */
   * NA values to avoid gaps in time-series, so as to make it easier 
   * to plot this information.
  tick-1sec /!data/ {
            (timestamp - start) / 1000000000);
  tick-1sec /data/ {
    this->seconds = (timestamp - start) / 1000000000 ;
    normalize(@cnt, this->seconds) ;
    normalize(@evsz, this->seconds) ;
    normalize(@dur, this->seconds) ;

    printf("%d,", this->seconds);
            @cnt, @arcszkb, @arcckb, @evsz, @avevkb, @dur, @longest);
    trunc(@cnt); trunc(@arcszkb); trunc(@arcckb); 
    trunc(@evsz); trunc(@dur); trunc(@avevkb); trunc(@longest);
    data = 0;
  END {
dtrace -qn '
     * Mesure the amount of time it takes to adjust the size of ARC
     * by given amount of bytes. We expect 1-second granularity and
     * data being in KBytes, and duration being in microseconds (us).
  inline const int SLOW = 1000; /* (1ms) limit triggering logging of data */
  inline const string HEADER = 

    BEGIN {
        printf("%s", HEADER);
        cnt = 0;
    tick-1sec {
        ts = walltimestamp;
    ::arc_adjust:entry /ts > 0/ {
        self->ts = timestamp;
        /* Unreserved memory in kilobytes */
        this->freemem = (`freemem << 12) >> 10;
    ::arc_adjust:return /self->ts/ {
        this->delta = (timestamp-self->ts) / 1000;
        this->l = this->delta > SLOW ? 1 : 0;
        this->kb = args[1] / 1024;
        @delay_max[ts, this->kb, this->l] = max(this->delta);
        @freemem[ts, this->kb, this->l] = min(this->freemem);
    ::arc_adjust:return /this->l > 0/ {
    /* Duration and size are not necessarily linked. One should not assume 
     * that the more time is spent the more bytes evicted. This function will
     * call other functions and will spend time in them. This script measures
     * total amount of time spent in those other functions. They do not always
     * remove same amount of data, and depending on how mcuh work they do,
     * they may be slower or faster and amount of bytes evicted does not
     * actually directly relate to amount of time it takes to evict given
     * number of bytes.
        @delay_max[ts, this->kb, this->l] = max(this->delta);
        @freemem[ts, this->kb, this->l] = min(this->freemem);
        printa("%Y,%d,%d,%@d,%@d\n", @delay_max, @freemem);
        trunc(@delay_max); trunc(@freemem);
        self->ts = 0;
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
#pragma D option quiet
 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
 * Copyright (c) 2015, RackTop Systems.
 * Description:
 * This script is meant to measure ARC's adjustment mechanism performance.
 * It has been observed that it takes sometimes a long period of time to
 * adjust the lists in the ARC, but what is not clear is the overall impact.
 * We can measure here how much time is spent doing adjustments and what the
 * size of adjustments is. This tool lets us see the size of the ARC when
 * adjustment happens, the amount of bytes processed and the amount of time
 * it takes to compete adjustments.
  * Mesure the amount of time it takes to adjust the size of ARC
  * by given amount of bytes. We expect 1-second granularity and
  * data being in KBytes, and duration being in microseconds (us).
  inline const int SLOW = 1000; /* (1ms) limit triggering logging of data */
  inline const string HEADER = 

    printf("%s", HEADER);
    cnt = 0;
tick-1sec {
    ts = walltimestamp;
::arc_adjust:entry /ts > 0/ {
    self->ts = timestamp;
::arc_adjust:return /self->ts/ {
    this->delta = (timestamp-self->ts) / 1000;
    this->l = this->delta > SLOW ? 1 : 0;
    this->evicted_kb = args[1] / 1024;
    this->arc_sz_kb = `arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.ui64 >> 10;
    @delay_max[ts, this->arc_sz_kb,
            this->evicted_kb, this->l] = max(this->delta);
::arc_adjust:return /self->ts/ {
/* Duration and size are not necessarily linked. One should not assume 
 * that the more time is spent the more bytes evicted. This function will
 * call other functions and will spend time in them. This script measures
 * total amount of time spent in those other functions. They do not always
 * remove same amount of data, and depending on how much work they do,
 * they may be slower or faster and amount of bytes evicted does not
 * actually directly relate to amount of time it takes to evict given
 * number of bytes.
    @delay_max[ts, this->arc_sz_kb, 
            this->evicted_kb, this->l] = max(this->delta);
    printa("%Y,%d,%d,%d,%@d\n", @delay_max);
    self->ts = 0;
dtrace -qn '
     * Mesure the amount of time it takes to adjust the size of ARC
     * by given amount of bytes. We expect 1-second granularity and
     * data being in KBytes, and duration being in microseconds (us).
  inline const int SLOW = 1000; /* (1ms) limit triggering logging of data */
  inline const string HEADER = 

    BEGIN {
        printf("%s", HEADER);
        cnt = 0;
    tick-1sec {
        ts = walltimestamp;
    ::arc_adjust:entry /ts > 0/ {
        self->ts = timestamp;
    ::arc_adjust:return /self->ts/ {
        this->delta = (timestamp-self->ts) / 1000;
        this->l = this->delta > SLOW ? 1 : 0;
        this->evicted_kb = args[1] / 1024;
        this->arc_sz_kb = `arc_stats.arcstat_size.value.ui64 >> 10;
        @delay_max[ts, this->arc_sz_kb,
                this->evicted_kb, this->l] = max(this->delta);
    ::arc_adjust:return /self->ts/ {
    /* Duration and size are not necessarily linked. One should not assume 
     * that the more time is spent the more bytes evicted. This function will
     * call other functions and will spend time in them. This script measures
     * total amount of time spent in those other functions. They do not always
     * remove same amount of data, and depending on how much work they do,
     * they may be slower or faster and amount of bytes evicted does not
     * actually directly relate to amount of time it takes to evict given
     * number of bytes.
        @delay_max[ts, this->arc_sz_kb, 
                this->evicted_kb, this->l] = max(this->delta);
        printa("%Y,%d,%d,%d,%@d\n", @delay_max);
        self->ts = 0;
dtrace -qn '
   * Collect how many bytes ARC is being asked to evict and how many bytes ARC
   * actually evicted, as well as what type these buffers being evicted are,
   * i.e. metadata, data, etc.
   enum arc_buf_contents {
   	ARC_BUFC_DATA,				/* buffer contains data */
   	ARC_BUFC_METADATA,			/* buffer contains metadata */

    ts = walltimestamp;
  ::arc_evict_state:entry /ts/ {
    self->typ = args[3];
    self->bytes = args[2] >> 10;
  ::arc_evict_state:return /ts/ {
    self->evicted = args[1] >> 10;
    @bytes[ts, self->typ == ARC_BUFC_DATA ? "D" : 
      self->typ == ARC_BUFC_METADATA ? 
      "MD" : "OTHER" ] = sum(self->bytes);
    @evicted[ts, self->typ == ARC_BUFC_DATA ? "D" : 
      self->typ == ARC_BUFC_METADATA ? 
      "MD" : "U" ] = sum(self->evicted);
  tick-1sec {
    printa("%Y,%s,%@d,%@d\n", @bytes, @evicted);
    ts = walltimestamp;
dtrace -qn '
  /* Measure length of time to complete state and header evictions */
  inline int LONG_CALL = 20000 ; /* nanoseconds */
  ::arc_evict_state:entry,::arc_evict_hdr*:entry {
    self->s = timestamp ; 
  ::arc_evict_state:return,::arc_evict_hdr*:return /self->s/ {
    this->delta = timestamp - self->s ;
     * If we are above the LONG_CALL threshold, aggregate value
     * under the key `probefunc`-long.
    this->lab = this->delta >= LONG_CALL ?
                strjoin(probefunc, "-long") : probefunc ;
    @[this->lab] = quantize(this->delta) ;
    self->s = 0 ;
dtrace -qn '
  /* Measure number of times we missed acquiring a mutex lock in 
   * arc_evict_hdr and in arc_evict_state_impl.
    changed = 0;
    f["arc_evict_hdr"] = "evict_hdr";
    f["arc_evict_state_impl"]  = "evict_state";
  tick-1sec {
    ts = walltimestamp;
  ::arc_evict_state_impl:entry {
    self->start = timestamp;
    self->x[probefunc] = `arc_stats.arcstat_mutex_miss.value.ui64;
  ::arc_evict_state_impl:return /ts/ {
    this->delta_t = (timestamp - self->start) / 1000;
    this->delta_miss = 
      `arc_stats.arcstat_mutex_miss.value.ui64 - self->x[probefunc];
    @[ts, f[probefunc]] = sum(this->delta_miss);
    @max_t[ts, f[probefunc]] = max(this->delta_t);
    changed += this->delta_miss > 0;
  tick-1sec {
    printa("%Y,%s,%@d,%@d\n", @, @max_t);
    changed = 0;
  END {