Use a git hook to match a Jira issue ID from the current branch, and prepend it to every commit message
Assuming the current branch contains a Jira issue ID, you can use a git hook script to prepend it to every commit message.
Create an empty commit-msg git hook file, and make it executable. From your project's root directory:
install -b -m 755 /dev/null .git/hooks/commit-msg
Save the following script to the newly-created .git/hooks/commit-msg file:
COMMIT_FILE=$1 COMMIT_MSG=$(cat $1) CURRENT_BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) JIRA_ID=$(echo "$CURRENT_BRANCH" | grep -Eo "[A-Z0-9]{1,10}-?[A-Z0-9]+-\d+")
if [ ! -z "$JIRA_ID" ]; then echo "$JIRA_ID $COMMIT_MSG" > $COMMIT_FILE echo "JIRA ID '$JIRA_ID', matched in current branch name, prepended to commit message. (Use --no-verify to skip)" fi
<!-- scriptend -->
## But I'm Lazy
Me too! Here's a one-liner to install the hook above:
if [ -d .git/hooks ]; then HOOKF=.git/hooks/commit-msg && if [ ! -f $HOOKF ]; then TMPF=`date +%s`-ghook && curl -s > $TMPF && STARTL=`grep -n "scriptstart" $TMPF | head -1 | cut -d: -f1` && ENDL=`grep -n "scriptend" $TMPF | head -1 | cut -d: -f1` && sed -n `expr \`echo $STARTL\` + 2`,`expr \`echo $ENDL\` - 2`p $TMPF > $HOOKF && chmod 755 $HOOKF; rm $TMPF; else echo "Error: $HOOKF exists"; fi else echo "Error: Not a git repo"; fi
To enable git hooks for all new git projects, you can use your own git template directory to build out your hooks. See the following article: