3/9/2018 - 4:27 PM

[WooCommerce Bookings] - Product Dependencies

[WooCommerce Bookings] - Product Dependencies

 * Will make it so the Dependencies tab shows on a Bookable product. 
 * @param array $tabs The list of tabs in a product's settings.
function add_bookable_product_to_dependencies( $tabs ) {
	// Check to see if the class exists and if the tab is set.
	if ( class_exists( 'WC_Product_Dependencies' ) && isset( $tabs['dependencies'] ) ) {
		// If so, add our class for the JS hooks.
		$tabs['dependencies']['class'][] = 'show_if_booking';
	return $tabs;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_data_tabs', 'add_bookable_product_to_dependencies', 999 );