3/22/2018 - 9:41 AM

js html 固定表头

js html 固定表头

js html 固定表头


width: "100%", // specify 100%, auto, or a fixed pixel amount
height: “400px”,
scrolling: "yes" // must have the jquery-1.3.2.min.js script installed to use

引用文件 jquery.chromatable.js

 * File:        chromatable.js
 * Version:     1.3.0
 * CVS:         $Id$
 * Description: Make a "sticky" header at the top of the table, so it stays put while the table scrolls
 * Author:      Zachary Siswick
 * Created:     Thursday 19 November 2009 8:53pm 
 * Language:    Javascript
    $.chromatable = {
        // Default options
        defaults: {
                        //specify a pixel dimension, auto, or 100%
            width: "900px", 
                        height: "300px",
                        scrolling: "yes" 
        $.fn.chromatable = function(options){
        // Extend default options
        var options = $.extend({}, $.chromatable.defaults, options);

        return this.each(function(){
                // Add jQuery methods to the element
                var $this = $(this);
                var $uniqueID = $(this).attr("ID") + ("wrapper");
                //Add dimentsions from user or default parameters to the DOM elements
                $(this).css('width', options.width).addClass("_scrolling");
                $(this).wrap('<div class="scrolling_outer"><div id="'+$uniqueID+'" class="scrolling_inner"></div></div>');
                     {'border':'1px solid #CCCCCC',
                $("#"+$uniqueID).css('height', options.height);
                $("#"+$uniqueID).css('width', options.width);
                // clone an exact copy of the scrolling table and add to DOM before the original table
                // replace old class with new to differentiate between the two
                $(this).before($(this).clone().attr("id", "").addClass("_thead").css(
                        {'width' : 'auto',
                         'display' : 'block', 
                         'border-bottom':'1px solid #CCC',
                // remove all children within the cloned table after the thead element
                $(this).each(function( $this ){
                    // if the width is auto, we need to remove padding-right on scrolling container 
                    if (options.width == "100%" || options.width == "auto") {
                    if (options.scrolling == "no") {
                        $("#"+$uniqueID).before('<a href="#" class="expander" style="width:100%;">Expand table</a>');
                                $(this).attr("ID", int);
                                $( this ).bind ("click",function(){
                                        $("#"+$uniqueID+" ._thead").remove();

                        //this is dependant on the jQuery resizable UI plugin
                        $("#"+$uniqueID).resizable({ handles: 's' }).css("overflow-y", "hidden");
                // Get a relative reference to the "sticky header"
                $curr = $this.prev();
                // Copy the cell widths across from the original table
                $("thead:eq(0)>tr th",this).each( function (i) {
                    $("thead:eq(0)>tr th:eq("+i+")", $curr).width( $(this).width());

                //check to see if the width is set to auto, if not, we don't need to call the resizer function
                if (options.width == "100%" || "auto"){
                        // call the resizer function whenever the table width has been adjusted
        // private function to temporarily hide the header when the browser is resized
        function resizer($this) {
                // Need a relative reference to the "sticky header"
                $curr = $this.prev();
                $("thead:eq(0)>tr th", $this).each( function (i) {
                    $("thead:eq(0)>tr th:eq("+i+")", $curr).width( $(this).width());
