10/8/2009 - 8:48 AM


RFC: upload C/C++ modules to CPAN project.


We want to upload C/C++ modules to CPAN.

 * use C/C++ libraries from XS!
 * upload C/C++ program to CPAN and resolve dependencies automatically =)


We will write Module::Install::Lang::C.

writing libraries

If you wrote C library named Clib::picohttpclient, using autotools.
You can write Makefile.PL in following style.
use inc::Module::Install;
exec './configure', configure_options();
die "WTF";

configure_options() is defined at Module::Install::Lang::C.This method returns
the CPAN friendly compile options for configure.For example,
"--prefix=$CPANDIR/auto/Clib/" is passed.The program will be install to
$CPANDIR/auto/Clib/bin/, library will be install to $CPANDIR/auto/Clib/lib,
and header files copy to $CPANDIR/auto/Clib/include".

If owner user of installing has super user privilidges, the libraries will soft
link to "/usr/local/lib/".This is needed for dynamic library loaders.

writing consumers(XS)

And, You want to write XS module depend to Clib::picohttpparser.
Makfile.PL is...
use inc::Module::Install;

cc_libs 'picohttpparser';


The 'set_clib_options' method is provided by Module::Install::Lang::C.
This method sets "-L $CPANLIB/auto/Clib/lib/" for linker option.And add "-I
$CPANLIB/auto/Clib/include" for compiler option.

and in your perl module loader
package HTML::Parser::XS;
use strict;
use XSLoader;
our $VERSION = 0.01;
use Clib;

XSLoader::load(__PACKAGE__, $VERSION);

||< will set the path to $CPANLIB/auto/Clib/lib/ for loading dynamic libraries.

Link to system directory

If you want to use CPAN modules to 
ln -s $CPANLIB/auto/Clib/lib/ /usr/local/clib


Q. CPAN is Comprehensive Perl Archive Network, not for C/C++!
A. ingy already uploads a lot of JS::* modules :P

Q. Why don't install it to system /usr/local/lib/ directory?
   Or, why don't use Alien::* style appraoch?
A. I want to use library who don't have super user priviledges.