Hosting Datadog docker image on Tutum with Haproxy and Nginx support
# For every instance, you need an `nginx_status_url` and can optionally
# supply a list of tags. This plugin requires nginx to be compiled with
# the nginx stub status module option, and activated with the correct
# configuration stanza. On debian/ubuntu, this is included in the
# `nginx-extras` package. For more details, see:
- nginx_status_url:
# tags:
# - instance:foo
# - nginx_status_url:
# ssl_validation: False
# tags:
# - instance:bar
- url:
username: haproxy
password: haproxy
# The (optional) status_check paramater will instruct the check to
# send events on status changes in the backend. This is DEPRECATED in
# favor creation a monitor on the service check status and will be
# removed in a future version.
# status_check: False
# The (optional) collect_aggregates_only parameter will instruct the
# check to collect metrics only from the aggregate frontend/backend
# status lines from the stats output instead of for each backend.
# collect_aggregates_only: True
# The (optional) collect_status_metrics parameter will instruct the
# check to collect metrics on status counts (e.g. haproxy.count_per_status)
# collect_status_metrics: False
# The (optional) collect_status_metrics_by_host parameter will instruct
# the check to collect status metrics per host instead of per service.
# This only applies if collect_status_metrics is True.
# collect_status_metrics_by_host: False
# The (optional) tag_service_check_by_host parameter will instruct the
# check to tag the service check status by host on top of other tags.
# The default case will only tag by backend and service.
# tag_service_check_by_host: False
# optional, filter metrics by services
# How it works: if a tag matches an exclude rule, it won't be included
# unless it also matches an include rule.
# e.g. include ONLY these two services
# services_include:
# - "backend"
# - "test"
# services_exclude:
# - ".*"
# OR include all EXCEPT this service
# services_include: []
# services_exclude:
# - "thisone"
FROM tutum/datadog-agent
ADD nginx.yaml /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/nginx.yaml
ADD haproxy.yaml /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/haproxy.yaml