10/2/2018 - 1:25 PM

C# Solving Problems

C# Solving Problems

	This program contains several compile time and run time errors.
	See if you can correct them.
using System;

namespace Problems
    class Problems
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double result1, result2, divisor; // Result of a division expression
            int input1, answer; // Some integer variables
            string input; // String variable used for input

            // Divide a floating point number by another
            result1 = 7.0 / 22.0;
            Console.WriteLine("The 7 divided by 22 is " + result1);

            Console.WriteLine("Input a number: ");
            input = Console.ReadLine();
            input1 = int.Parse(input);

            // Add two to an input number then double the sum and print to screen
            result2 = (input1 + 2) * 2;
            Console.WriteLine("2 plus " + input1 + ", the sum doubled is " + result2);

            // Five plus five equals ?
            answer = (5 + 5);
            Console.WriteLine("Five plus five equals " + answer);

            // Division
            Console.WriteLine("Enter a number 0 t0 9: ");
            input = Console.ReadLine();
            divisor = int.Parse(input);
            Console.WriteLine("1 / " + divisor + " in decimal is " + 1 / divisor);