10/4/2012 - 8:09 PM

[Bloc - ruby weekly] Print a 5 x 5 grid

[Bloc - ruby weekly] Print a 5 x 5 grid

# Define a method and accept an unspecified number of arguments and insert them into an
# array called coords. The array is created with the "*".
def print_grid_1a(*coords)
  # Create an array called grid consisting of 5 elements each with a string 
  # consisting of 5 O's
  grid = Array.new(5) {"O" * 5}
  # Assign the variable x to the first element of the coords array and y to the second
  x, y = coords 
  # Change the O to an X in the x indexed character inside the string ("OOOOO") 
  # that is in the y element of the grid array
  grid[y][x] = "X" if x
  # Print each element of the grid with a newline after each element
  puts grid

#Error Checking
def print_grid_1b(*coords)
  grid = Array.new(5) {"O" * 5}
  # Extra error checking = If the max of the first two elements of the coords array
  # (converted to an integer, in case of nil) is less than 5
  x, y = coords if coords[0..1].max.to_i < 5
  grid[y][x] = "X" if x
  puts grid


def print_grid_2a(*coords)
  # Create a empty array called grid
  grid = []
  # 5 times insert a string consisting of 5 O's into the grid array
  5.times {grid << "O" * 5}
  x, y = coords
  grid[y][x] = "X" if x
  puts grid

#Error Checking
def print_grid_2b(*coords)
  grid = []
  5.times {grid << "O" * 5}
  x, y = coords
  # Extra error checking = If x is not nil and x is less than 5 and y is less than 5
  grid[y][x] = "X" if x && x < 5 && y < 5
  puts grid