8/15/2018 - 3:25 PM

Here's a quick demo of using a set of Enums to derive a full Description for a Lookup value when only the Identifier was provided. Code is a

Here's a quick demo of using a set of Enums to derive a full Description for a Lookup value when only the Identifier was provided. Code is a copy/paste from TypeScript Playground for ease of testing

// String Enum Example using the TypeScript Playground example for test purposes
// Test here: https://www.typescriptlang.org/play/

class Greeter {
    greeting: string;
    constructor(message: string) {
        this.greeting = message;
    greet(skip = false) {
        let skipMessage = null;
        if (skip) {
            skipMessage = ' Skip';
        return `${this.greeting}`;

// Status Type Identifiers (What we might get from an Api)
enum StatusTypeIds {
    Submitted = 0,
    Processing = 1,
    OnHold = 2

// Status Type Descriptions
enum StatusTypes {
    Submitted = 'Submitted',
    Processing = 'Processing',
    OnHold = 'On Hold for further investigation'

// Derive the StatusTypeId from the provided value
const statusTypeId = StatusTypeIds[2];

// Use the derived Enum value to retrieve the associated Description
const statusDescription = StatusTypes[statusTypeId];

let greeter = new Greeter(statusDescription);

let button = document.createElement('button');
button.textContent = "Status";
button.onclick = function() {
