7/22/2019 - 12:06 PM

Regular expression

// Regular expression to validate phone number

package main

import (

func main() {
	str1 := "1(234)5678901x1234"
	str2 := "(+351) 282 43 50 50"
	str3 := "90191919908"
	str4 := "555-8909"
	str5 := "001 6867684"
	str6 := "001 6867684x1"
	str7 := "1 (234) 567-8901"
	str8 := "1-234-567-8901 ext1234"

	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^(?:(?:\(?(?:00|\+)([1-4]\d\d|[1-9]\d?)\)?)?[\-\.\ \\\/]?)?((?:\(?\d{1,}\)?[\-\.\ \\\/]?){0,})(?:[\-\.\ \\\/]?(?:#|ext\.?|extension|x)[\-\.\ \\\/]?(\d+))?$`)

	fmt.Printf("Pattern: %v\n", re.String()) // print pattern
	fmt.Printf("\nPhone: %v\t:%v\n", str1, re.MatchString(str1))
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %v\t:%v\n", str2, re.MatchString(str2))
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %v\t\t:%v\n", str3, re.MatchString(str3))
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %v\t\t\t:%v\n", str4, re.MatchString(str4))
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %v\t\t:%v\n", str5, re.MatchString(str5))
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %v\t\t:%v\n", str6, re.MatchString(str6))
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %v\t\t:%v\n", str7, re.MatchString(str7))
	fmt.Printf("Phone: %v\t:%v\n", str8, re.MatchString(str8))
//Regular expression to validate email address

package main

import (

func main() {
	str1 := "ç$€§/"
	str2 := ""
	str3 := ""
	str4 := "abcd@gmailyahoo"
	str5 := ""

	re := regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$")

	fmt.Printf("Pattern: %v\n", re.String()) // print pattern	
	fmt.Printf("\nEmail: %v :%v\n", str1, re.MatchString(str1))
	fmt.Printf("Email: %v :%v\n", str2, re.MatchString(str2))
	fmt.Printf("Email: %v :%v\n", str3, re.MatchString(str3))
	fmt.Printf("Email: %v :%v\n", str4, re.MatchString(str4))
	fmt.Printf("Email: %v :%v\n", str5, re.MatchString(str5))