// Creating our car object.
var car = {
// Properties of our car object.
make: "Honda",
model: "Fit",
color: "Blue Raspberry",
mileage: 3000,
isWorking: true,
// Creating the driveToWork method.
// A method is a function associated with an object.
driveToWork: function() {
// When we say "this" (as in this.mileage) we are referring to the object the method is a part of.
// In this case, we will alert the mileage of the car object.
alert("Old Mileage: " + this.mileage);
// Adding 8 to the car's mileage.
this.mileage = this.mileage + 8;
// Alerting the car's new mileage.
alert("New mileage: " + this.mileage);
// The driveAroundWorld method adds 24,000 miles to our car, sets isWorking to false, and makes some alerts.
driveAroundWorld: function() {
alert("Old Mileage: " + this.mileage);
this.mileage = this.mileage + 24000;
alert("New Mileage: " + this.mileage);
alert("Car needs a tuneup!");
this.isWorking = false;
// The getTuneUp method sets isWorking to true and alerts a message.
getTuneUp: function() {
alert("Car is ready to go!");
this.isWorking = true;
// The honk method alerts a honking message.
honk: function() {
alert("Honk! Honk!");
// How would we log...
// The car's make?
// The car's model?
// The car's mileage?
// How would we run the car's driveToWork method?
// How would we run the car's driveAroundWorld method?
// How would we run the getTuneUp method?