9/9/2013 - 7:37 AM

add numbering to the menu blocks and the references slider Used in: LIS Hydraulics

add numbering to the menu blocks and the references slider Used in: LIS Hydraulics

  //add numbering to the menu blocks and the references slider
  //needed: ul with class 'counter'
  //reset variables
  var i = 0;
  var total = 0;

    //look for the clone of the first li
    if( $(this).hasClass('last') && $(this).hasClass('clone') && $(this).not('.begin') ) {
      // add extra class

    //look for the clone of the last item + add extra class
    if( $(this).hasClass('clone') && $(this).hasClass('first') && $(this).not('.end') ) {
      // add extra class

    //check wheter we should ++ the counter of non-clone list items
    if( !$(this).hasClass('clone') && !$(this).hasClass('begin') && !$(this).hasClass('end') ) {
      $(this).prepend('<div class="number">'+i+'</div>');

    //add numbers to cloned list items
    if( $(this).hasClass('.begin') ) {  $(this).prepend('<div class="number">1</div>'); }
    if( $(this).hasClass('.end') ) {
      //set total number
      var total = i;
      $(this).prepend('<div class="numbertotal">'+total+'</div>');
  }); //end each function

}); //end document ready function