If you are building out sections, and some of them have items, as well as regular content, this may help. Great for sections with copy, followed by a list of items. More info here https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/working-with-nested-repeaters/
<section id="programs">
<div class="copy">
$programs = get_field('programs');
if ($programs): ?>
<?php echo $programs['copy']; ?>
<div class="programs-wrapper">
<!-- // loop through the rows of data -->
<?php while ( have_rows('programs') ) : the_row();?>
<?php if (have_rows('single_program')): ?>
while(have_rows('single_program')): the_row();
$pName = get_sub_field('program_name');
$pImg = get_sub_field('program_image');
$pDescription = get_sub_field('program_description');
$pLink = get_sub_field('program_link');
<!-- we cookin -->
<!-- code here -->
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- // no rows found -->
<?php endwhile; ?>
</div> <!-- end programs-wrapper -->
<?php endif; ?>