12/15/2011 - 1:50 PM

git clone failures in Windows

git clone failures in Windows

PS C:\> git clone https://github.com/jruby/jruby.git jruby-d
Cloning into jruby-d...
remote: Counting objects: 176863, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (42078/42078), done.
remote: Total 176863 (delta 124156), reused 175381 (delta 122846)Receiving objects: 100% (176863/176863), 78.24 MiB | 1.02 MiB/s
Receiving objects: 100% (176863/176863), 78.63 MiB | 1.02 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (124156/124156), done.
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestCoder.rb (Invalid argument)
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestDateTime.rb (Invalid argument)
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestEmitter.rb (Invalid argument)
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestEncoding.rb (Invalid argument)
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestJSONTree.rb (Invalid argument)
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestNil.rb (Invalid argument)
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestParser.rb (Invalid argument)
error: unable to create file test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes/Psych::TestStream.rb (Invalid argument)