Panel drawer have some issues when right aligned. When user press on the detail item to expand it, the panel starts to slide from left. The bellow example tries to solve this issue by placing the panel drawer in a grid container.
<panelGridLayout id="pt_pgl1" dimensionsFrom="parent" styleClass="AFStretchWidth">
<gridRow marginTop="0px" height="auto" marginBottom="0px" id="pt_gr1">
<gridCell halign="stretch" width="100%" id="pt_gc13"></gridCell>
<gridCell halign="stretch" width="210px" id="pt_gc3">
<panelGroupLayout layout="vertical" styleClass="narrow">
<panelDrawer id="pt_pd1" height="500px" clientComponent="true">
<showDetailItem id="dr1" icon="/resources/images/navigation-24.png">
<outputText value="Hellow world" id="ot311"/>