12/29/2015 - 10:44 AM

Free Springer undergrad math books.md

Undergraduate texts in mathematics

duplicates = multiple editions

A Brief on Tensor Analysis, James G. Simmonds

A Brief on Tensor Analysis, James G. Simmonds

A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra, Lindsay Childs

A Concrete Introduction to Higher Algebra, Lindsay N. Childs

A Course in Modern Geometries, Judith N. Cederberg

A Course in Modern Geometries, Judith N. Cederberg

A First Course in Analysis, George Pedrick

A First Course in Calculus, Serge Lang

A First Course in Real Analysis, Sterling K. Berberian

A First Course in Real Analysis, Murray H. Protter Charles B. Morrey Jr.

A First Course in Real Analysis, M. H. Protter C. B. Morrey Jr.

A First Course in the Mathematical Foundations of Thermodynamics, David R. Owen

Algebra, L. E. Sigler

Algebra, L. E. Sigler

An Accompaniment to Higher Mathematics, George R. Exner

An Introduction to Difference Equations, Saber N. Elaydi

An Introduction to Difference Equations, Saber N. Elaydi

An Introduction to Probabilistic Modeling, Pierre Bremaud

An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra, Michael W. Frazier

An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra, Michael W. Frazier

Applied Abstract Algebra, Rudolf Lidl Gunter Pilz

Applied Abstract Algebra, Rudolf Lidl Gunter Pilz

Applied Partial Differential Equations, J. David Logan

Applied Partial Differential Equations, J. David Logan

Aspects of Calculus, Gabriel Klambauer

Basic Concepts of Algebraic Topology, Fred H. Croom

Basic Elements of Real Analysis, Murray H. Protter

Basic Topology, M. A. Armstrong

Beginning Functional Analysis, Karen Saxe

Calculus I, Jerrold Marsden Alan Weinstein

Calculus II, Jerrold Marsden Alan Weinstein

Calculus III, Jerrold Marsden Alan Weinstein

Calculus of Several Variables, Serge Lang

Calculus: A Liberal Art, William McGowen Priestley

Calculus: An Historical Approach, William McGowen Priestley

Combinatorial Optimization for Undergraduates, L. R. Foulds

Combinatorics and Graph Theory, John M. Harris Jeffry L. Hirst Michael J. Mossinghoff

Complex Analysis, Theodore W. Gamelin

Conics and Cubics, Robert Bix

Constructive Combinatorics, Dennis Stanton Dennis White

Counting: The Art of Enumerative Combinatorics, George E. Martin

Differential Equations, Clay C. Ross

Discrete Mathematics, L. Lovasz J. Pelikan K. Vesztergombi

Discrete Probability, Hugh Gordon

Dynamic Topology, Gordon Whyburn Edwin Duda

Elementary Analysis: The Theory of Calculus, Kenneth A. Ross

Elementary Probability Theory, Kai Lai Chung Farid Ait Sahlia

Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes, Kai Lai Chung

Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes, Kai Lai Chung

Elementary Probability Theory with Stochastic Processes, Kai Lai Chung

Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory, Gerard Iooss Daniel D. Joseph

Elementary Stability and Bifurcation Theory, Gerard Iooss Daniel D. Joseph

Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry, J. A. Thorpe

Elements of Algebra, John Stillwell

Elements of Number Theory, John Stillwell

Factorization and Primality Testing, David M. Bressoud

Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces, Paul R. Halmos

From Fermat to Minkowski, Winfried Scharlau Hans Opolka

Functions of Several Variables, Wendell Fleming

General Topology, Jacques Dixmier

Geometric Constructions, George E. Martin

Geometry, Richard S. Millman George D. Parker

Geometry: Euclid and Beyond, Robin Hartshorne

Geometry: Plane and Fancy, David A. Singer

Glimpses of Algebra and Geometry, Gabor Toth

Groups and Symmetry, M. A. Armstrong

"Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms", David Cox John Little Donal O?Shea

"Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms", David Cox John Little Donal O?Shea

"Ideals, Varieties, and Algorithms", David Cox John Little Donal O?Shea

Inside Calculus, George R. Exner

"Integers, Polynomials, and Rings", Ronald S. Irving

Intermediate Calculus, Murray H. Protter Charles B. Morrey Jr.

Intermediate Real Analysis, Emanuel Fischer

Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, Tom M. Apostol

Introduction to Analytic Number Theory, Tom M. Apostol

Introduction to College Mathematics with A Programming Language, Edward J. LeCuyer Jr.

Introduction to Cryptography, Johannes A. Buchmann

Introduction to Cryptography, Johannes A. Buchmann

Introduction to Linear Algebra, Serge Lang

Introduction to Mathematical Logic, Jerome Malitz

Introduction to Optimal Control Theory, Jack Macki Aaron Strauss

Introduction to the Mathematics of Finance, Steven Roman

Join Geometries, Walter Prenowitz James Jantosciak

Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry, I. M. Singer J. A. Thorpe

Lectures on Boolean Algebras, Paul R. Halmos

Limits, Alan F. Beardon

Linear Algebra, Charles W. Curtis

Linear Algebra, Larry Smith

Linear Algebra, Larry Smith

Linear Algebra, Serge Lang

Linear Algebra, Robert J. Valenza

Linear Algebra, Klaus Janich

Linear Algebra, Larry Smith

Linear Algebra Through Geometry, Thomas Banchoff John Wermer

Linear Algebra Through Geometry, Thomas Banchoff John Wermer

Linear Programming and Its Applications, James K. Strayer

Mathematical Analysis, Andrew Browder

Mathematical Expeditions, Reinhard Laubenbacher David Pengelley

Mathematical Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory, Louis Brickman

Mathematical Logic, H.-D. Ebbinghaus J. Flum W. Thomas

Mathematical Reflections, Peter Hilton Derek Holton Jean Pedersen

Mathematical Vistas, Peter Hilton Derek Holton Jean Pedersen

Mathematics and Its History, John Stillwell

Mathematics and Its History, John Stillwell

Mathematics: A Concise History and Philosophy, W. S. Anglin

"Measure, Topology, and Fractal Geometry", Gerald A. Edgar

Methods of Mathematical Economics, Joel Franklin

Much Ado About Calculus, Robert L. Wilson

Naive Set Theory, Paul R. Halmos

Notes on Set Theory, Yiannis N. Moschovakis

Numbers and Geometry, John Stillwell

Numerical Mathematics, Gunther Hammerlin Karl-Heinz Hoffman

Optimization Techniques, L. R. Foulds

Practical Analysis in One Variable, Donald Estep

Primer of Modern Analysis, Kennan T. Smith

Rational Points on Elliptic Curves, Joseph H. Silverman John Tate

"Reading, Writing, and Proving", Ulrich Daepp Pamela Gorkin

Real Mathematical Analysis, Charles Chapman Pugh

"Rings, Fields, and Vector Spaces", B. A. Sethuraman

Second Year Calculus, David M. Bressoud

Short Calculus, Serge Lang

The Foundations of Geometry and the Non-Euclidean Plane, George E. Martin

The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Benjamin Fine Gerhard Rosenberger

The Geometry of Spacetime, James J. Callahan

The Heritage of Thales, W. S. Anglin J. Lambek

The Joy of Sets, Keith Devlin

The Laplace Transform, Joel L. Schiff

The Lebesgue-Stieltjes Integral, M. Carter B. van Brunt

The Pleasures of Probability, Richard Isaac

Topics in the Theory of Numbers, Paul Erdos Janos Suranyi

Topological and Uniform Spaces, I. M. James

Topological Spaces, Gerard Buskes Arnoud van Rooij

Topology of Surfaces, L. Christine Kinsey

Transformation Geometry, George E. Martin

Undergraduate Algebra, Serge Lang

Undergraduate Algebra, Serge Lang

Undergraduate Analysis, Serge Lang

Undergraduate Analysis, Serge Lang

Understanding Analysis, Stephen Abbott

Variational Calculus and Optimal Control, John L. Troutman

Variational Calculus with Elementary Convexity, John L. Troutman

Vector Analysis, Klaus Janich

Why Math?, R. D. Driver