7/13/2014 - 12:31 AM


$(document).ready(function() {

  var text = $('#text').text();
  var word_array = text.split(' ');
  // blank array to store result
  var word_count = {};
  // lets count the words
  for ( var x in word_array ) {
    // make the word lowercase
    var word = word_array[x].toLowerCase();
    // we are only interested in words with 3 or more characters
    if ( word.length >= 3 ) {
      if ( typeof word_count[word] != 'undefined' ) {
        // if the word exists in the array, lets increase its count
        word_count[word] += 2;
      } else {
        // if the word doesn't exist, lets set its initial count
        word_count[word] = 2;
    } // end if statement for word.length
  } // end for look
  // output the result to the cloud div
  for ( var y in word_count ) {
    $('#cloud').append('<div class="tag" style="font-size: '+ word_count[y] +'px;">' + y + '</div>');