5/28/2014 - 8:41 PM


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        <option value="en">English</option>
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        var translations = {
            'en': {
                description: '${desc_en}',
                hc: 'Choose your day!',
                hd: 'We, the world\'s football fans, are creating our own network.',
                hv: 'Visit',
                he: 'and join us!'
            'es': {
                ha: 'EL MUNDO DEL F&Uacute;TBOL EST&Aacute; ELIGIENDO EL',
                hb: 'D&Iacute;A INTERNACIONAL DEL HINCHA',
                description: '${desc_es}',
                hc: '&iexcl;Elige tu d&iacute;a!',
                hd: 'Nosotros, los hinchas del mundo, estamos creando nuestra red.',
                hv: 'Visita',
                he: 'y sumate tu tambi&eacute;n.'
            'de': {
                ha: 'DIE FUSSBALLWELT W&Auml;HLT SCHON DEN',
                description: '${desc_de}',
                hc: 'W&auml;hle f&uuml;r deinen Tag!',
                hd: 'Wir, die Fans weltweit, schaffen unser eigenes Netzwerk.',
                hv: 'Schaue bei',
                he: 'vorbei und mache auch du mit.'
            'fr': {
                ha: 'LE MONDE DU FOOTBALL VA &Eacute;LIRE LA',
                hb: 'JOURN&Eacute;E MONDIALE DU SUPPORTER',
                description: '${desc_fr}',
                hc: 'Choisissez votre journ&eacute;e !',
                hd: 'Nous les supporters de football du monde on va cr&eacute;er notre re&acute;seau.',
                hv: 'Visitez',
                he: 'et participez vous aussi.'
            'it': {
                hb: 'GIORNATA MONDIALE DEL TIFOSO',
                description: '${desc_it}',
                hc: 'Scegli la tua giornata!',
                hd: 'Noi, i tifosi del mondo, stiamo creando la nostra rete.',
                hv: 'Visita',
                he: 'e uniti anche tu.'
            'pt': {
                ha: 'O MUNDO DO FUTEBOL EST&Aacute; ESCOLHENDO O ',
                hb: 'DIA INTERNACIONAL DO TORCEDOR',
                description: '${desc_pt}',
                hc: 'Escolha seu dia!',
                hd: 'N&oacute;s, os torcedores do mundo, estamos criando nossa rede.',
                hv: 'Visite',
                he: 'e some-se voc&ecirc;.'

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            // Ex: en
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            // Each element with data-i18n
            $('[data-i18n]').each(function (index, el) {
                // Get key
                var key = $(el).data('i18n');
                // Replace with translation

            $('.lang').on('change', function (ev, d) {

                var lang = $(this).val();

                $('[data-i18n]').each(function (index, el) {
                    // Get key
                    var key = $(el).data('i18n');
                    // Replace with translation



