2/18/2015 - 3:46 PM

AppleScript for displaying the currently playing track on FIP Radio in a notification

AppleScript for displaying the currently playing track on FIP Radio in a notification

--Requires Twitter Scripter: http://mousedown.net/mouseware/TwitterScripter.html
--Requires a Twitter account to be set up in System Prefs > Internet Accounts
--Change "your_Twitter_name" in the line below to your Twitter name
--Save as Application and trigger with a keyboard shortcut

tell application "Twitter Scripter"
	set fipNow to fetch user timeline for username "FipNowPlays" using account "your_Twitter_name" returning entries 1
	set nowPlayingTweet to |text| of item 1 of response of fipNow
end tell

--trim unnecessary bumph

on trim_line(this_text, trim_chars, trim_indicator)
	-- 0 = beginning, 1 = end, 2 = both
	set x to the length of the trim_chars
	if the trim_indicator is in {0, 2} then
		repeat while this_text begins with the trim_chars
				set this_text to characters (x + 1) thru -1 of this_text as string
			on error
				-- the text contains nothing but the trim characters
				return ""
			end try
		end repeat
	end if
	if the trim_indicator is in {1, 2} then
		repeat while this_text ends with the trim_chars
				set this_text to characters 1 thru -(x + 1) of this_text as string
			on error
				-- the text contains nothing but the trim characters
				return ""
			end try
		end repeat
	end if
	return this_text
end trim_line

set trimStart to trim_line(nowPlayingTweet, "♪ #nowplaying ", 0)
set trimEnd to trim_line(trimStart, " http://t.co/00cY9vXEFF", 1)
set nowPlaying to trimEnd

--return nowPlaying

display notification nowPlaying with title "FIP's now playing"