3/10/2017 - 2:30 PM

Mainzelliste configuration for OSSE

Mainzelliste configuration for OSSE

# Properties for mainzelliste
# Configuration template for running OSSE with identifying data
# General format: Key-value pairs, separated by spaces, tabs, "=", ":". 
# Lines starting with "#" are comments. Comments appended to a line are not possible!
# See Javadoc for java.util.Properties#load(Reader) for details.

# Property names may contain letters, numbers, underscores and dots. Dots define a hierarchical
# structure on the property names.

# For a comprehensive documentation of configuration parameters see the configuration manual 
# ("Konfigurationshandbuch").

# debug mode: If set to true, token handling is disabled (i.e. no tokens are necessary).
debug = false

# Name of this mainzelliste distribution instance.
dist = Mainzelliste

# Database setup

# OSSE uses PostgreSQL
db.driver = org.postgresql.Driver
db.url = jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/mainzelliste

db.username = mainzelliste
db.password = mainzelliste

# Logging
# Default log location for OSSE installation 
log.filename = /var/log/mainzelliste/mainzelliste.log
log.level = INFO

# Field definitions
# Every input field must be defined here with field.{fieldname}.type = {fieldtype},
# where fieldname is a unique identifier and fieldtype the name of a subclass of Field.
# Input data from the field will be stored in objects of that class.
# Every field defined here must either be contained in the input form 
# WEB-INF/jsp/patientFormElements.jsp (with corresponding "name"-Tag) or
# be provided in the createPatient Token 

# In order to deactivate fields temporarily, it is sufficient to comment out the field definition.

field.vorname.type = PlainTextField
field.nachname.type = PlainTextField
field.geburtsname.type = PlainTextField
field.geburtstag.type = IntegerField 
field.geburtsmonat.type = IntegerField
field.geburtsjahr.type = IntegerField
field.plz.type = PlainTextField
field.ort.type = PlainTextField
field.location.type = PlainTextField

# Server-side validation

# validator.field.{fieldname}.required: Whether a field must not be empty
validator.field.vorname.required = true
validator.field.nachname.required = true
validator.field.geburtstag.required = true
validator.field.geburtsmonat.required = true
validator.field.geburtsjahr.required = true

# Date validation:
#{i}.fields defines a list of fields, separated by commas.
# The date string is formed by concatenation of these fields.
#{i}.format: A format definition (see java.text.SimpleDateFormat) by
# which the date string is interpreted. Validation checks if the parsed date is valid.
# Set fields which form the date and the format (when concatenating the fields).
# Multiple dates can be specified by supplying multiple definitions with consecutive
# numbers as {i} = geburtstag, geburtsmonat, geburtsjahr = ddMMyyyy

# Exchange groups
# An exchange group denotes a set of fields whose values are considered interchangeable.
# The matcher (currently only EpilinkMatcher) compares the fields in each exchange group to
# all of its permutations and uses the best matching combination for final decision.
# An exchange group is defined by exchangeGroup.{id} = {fieldlist}, where id is a sequential number
# and fieldlist a comma-separated list of field names
exchangeGroup.0 = vorname, nachname, geburtsname

# Field transformations
# Transformations for a field {fieldname} are defined by
# field.{fieldname}.transformers = {transformerlist}, where
# transformerlist is a comma-separated list of names of subclasses of FieldTransformer.
# The first transformer in the list is applied to the input field as defined in the field definition;
# i.e. the type parameter IN of the first transformer must match the class of the field.
# Every subsequent transformer is applied to the output of its predecessor; i.e. its type parameter IN
# must match type parameter OUT of the preceding transformer.

field.vorname.transformers = StringNormalizer, FirstNameDecomposer
field.nachname.transformers = StringNormalizer, GermanLastNameDecomposer
field.geburtsname.transformers = StringNormalizer, GermanLastNameDecomposer

# field comparators
field.vorname.comparator = NGramComparator
field.nachname.comparator = NGramComparator
field.geburtsname.comparator = NGramComparator

field.geburtstag.comparator = BinaryFieldComparator
field.geburtsmonat.comparator = BinaryFieldComparator
field.geburtsjahr.comparator = BinaryFieldComparator

field.plz.comparator = BinaryFieldComparator
field.ort.comparator = NGramComparator

# Matcher definition
# Property matcher defines the class name of the matcher to use, which must be a subclass
# of Matcher. Currently only EpilinkMatcher is supported.
matcher = EpilinkMatcher

# Config for Epilink Matcher
# matcher.epilink.{fieldname}.frequency: Defines the assumed mean frequency of values
# for field {fieldname}. This corresponds to the u-probability in the Fellegi-Sunter-Model
# and can be estimated by the reciprocal of the number of distinct values (i.e. the
# frequency of "month" is 1 / 12).
matcher.epilink.vorname.frequency = 0.000235
matcher.epilink.nachname.frequency = 0.0000271
matcher.epilink.geburtsname.frequency = 0.0000271

# 1 / 30 (approximate average number of days in a month)
matcher.epilink.geburtstag.frequency = 0.0333 
# 1 / 12
matcher.epilink.geburtsmonat.frequency = 0.0833  
# example value: birth years for an age range of 35 years (40 - 75).
matcher.epilink.geburtsjahr.frequency = 0.0286

matcher.epilink.plz.frequency = 0.01
matcher.epilink.ort.frequency = 0.01

# matcher.epilink.{fieldname}.error_rate defines the assumed error_rate for
# field {fieldname} (1 - m-probability)
# The supplied number stem from the evaluation of a German cancer registry
matcher.epilink.vorname.errorRate = 0.01
matcher.epilink.nachname.errorRate = 0.008
matcher.epilink.geburtsname.errorRate = 0.008
matcher.epilink.geburtstag.errorRate = 0.005
matcher.epilink.geburtsmonat.errorRate = 0.002
matcher.epilink.geburtsjahr.errorRate = 0.004
matcher.epilink.plz.errorRate = 0.04
matcher.epilink.ort.errorRate = 0.04


# matcher.epilink.threshold.match: Defines the minimum weight (in the interval [0,1])
# for which a pair of records is considered a definite match.
# matcher.epilink.threshold_non_match: Defines the weight (in the interval [0,1])
# below which a pair of records is considered a definite non-match. Must be less than or equal
# to matcher.epilink.threshold_match.
# Record pairs with a weight w with threshold_non_match <= w < threshold_match are
# considered possible matches and lead to a tentative PID. 
matcher.epilink.threshold_match = 0.95
matcher.epilink.threshold_non_match = 0.7

# ID-Generators
# idgenerators: A comma-seperated list of identifiers of ID-Generators, corresponding to ID types.

# For every generator:
# idgenerator.{identifier}: Class which implements the ID generator.
# additional parameters depend on the ID generator used.
# Additional params for PIDGenerator (k1, k2, k3, rndwidth) are defined here.
idgenerators = pid, psn = PIDGenerator = 1 = 2 = 3
# rndwidth is optional (default 0) = 0

idgenerator.psn = SimpleIDGenerator

# Output of result
# Whether to show a result page = false

# Whether to include Idat in the result page.
result.printIdat = false

# xDAT servers
# Known Permissions / Token Types:
# - showSessionIds: see own sessions via GET /sessions
# - createSession: create session via POST /sessions
# - createToken: create tokens -- in addition, permission "tt_x" is req'd, where x is one of these TOKEN TYPES:
#   - tt_addPatient: allows to generate one (1) ID. Token is invalidated afterwards even if an existing ID was returned.
#	- tt_readPatients: allows to retreive IDAT for a patient, needed for Temp-ID-Handling (still in development)

# A passphrase used for authentication
servers.0.apiKey = mdatborg
servers.0.permissions = createSession;showSessionIds;deletePatient;createToken;readConfiguration;tt_addPatient;tt_readPatients;tt_editPatient

# Accepted origin addresses
servers.0.allowedRemoteAdresses =;

servers.allowedOrigins =

# Allowed Format of callback
callback.allowedFormat = http[s]?://.*

# Session timeout
# A session will be deleted if not accessed for this amount of time, specified in minutes
# Default value if not specified: 10
sessionTimeout = 30

# Contact information
# Contact information for users, which will be displayed in the footer of HTML forms. =