JSLA Nov 29th, 2012
Hello Everyone,
This month's JSLA will be Thursday November 29th (After Tahnks Giving) hosted at Two Bit Circus (http://twobitcircus.com) near downtown and sponsored by EdgeCast (http://www.edgecast.com).
Please RSVP if you plan on attending so we know how much food and drink to get: http://js.la
Our planned talks are:
Presented by: Joe Rozner
Running untrusted code is always a difficult problem to deal with. This talk will explore some of the potential problems with result from doing this including: resource starvation, data security, remote code execution, and unintended network access. It will then explore some of the design decisions of Node.JS and show how these can be used to help control provide methods to sandbox code to prevent these types of attacks, ending with an explanation of some of the limitations of this technique and possible other solutions.
Presented by: Philippe Lewicki
Meteor is a pure javascript open source platform based on node.js, mongodb, mustache style template with optional packages like backbone, underscore, bootstrap, coffee script, less, stylus, d3, query...
I will present the key concept like live page update, synchronization, hot code push then demo some application and explain how some of the key concept are implemented.
You can keep up to date by visiting our website: http://js.la, following us on twitter (http://twitter.com/losangelesJS), and via our mailing list: http://eepurl.com/nDJiD
Thanks for your attention, see you on the 29th!
The JSLA Team