Precompiler thingy for Dwoo (converts templates to static HTML)
* This script converts a bunch of Dwoo templates to proper HTML.
* Execute it like this "php generate_site.php".
* Use this file to inject variables to your templates. In order to make it
* easier to deal with paths, I defined "pathPrefix" variable. It contains
* prefix relative to the root. This in turn may be used to get some nice
* links done esp. if you use a hierarchical template layout.
* It is probably possible to use the same approach for rendering templates
* of other engines too. There's some hacky code but in my tests it worked
* out just fine.
* Read through the code for more detail.
$dwoo = new Dwoo();
$data = array(
'shortAppName' => 'appname',
'bdd' => '<abbr title="Behavior Driven Development">BDD</abbr>',
'gpl' => '<abbr title="GNU General Public License">GPL</abbr>',
'mit' => '<abbr title="Massachusetts Institute of Technology">MIT</abbr>'
// do your hacks here if you need to
// set up some dirs (input/output)
$cssDirectory = './css/';
$imageDirectory = './images/';
$templateDirectory = './templates/';
$outputDirectory = './site/';
$outputSuffix = 'html';
// oh yeah, let's push some bits around
$dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($templateDirectory);
$iter = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir);
$regex = new RegexIterator(
if(!is_dir($outputDirectory)) {
foreach($regex as $dir) {
$file = $dir[0];
// XXX: a bit hacky...
$outPath = substr_replace($file, $outputDirectory, 0, strlen($templateDirectory));
$outPath = substr_replace($outPath, $outputSuffix, -strlen($outputSuffix) + 1);
$outDir = dirname($outPath);
$amountOfDirs = count(split('/', $outDir)) - 1;
if($amountOfDirs > 2) {
$prefix = str_repeat('../', $amountOfDirs - 2) . '..';
else {
$prefix = str_repeat('.', $amountOfDirs);
$data['pathPrefix'] = $prefix;
$out = $dwoo->get($file, $data);
echo "Writing $outPath\n";
if(!is_dir($outDir)) {
// we may need to create nested dirs here!
// idea:
$dirs = explode('/',$outDir);
$tmpPath = '';
foreach($dirs as $key=>$name) {
$tmpPath .= $name;
if(!file_exists($tmpPath)) {
// file_put_contents
$fh = fopen($outPath, 'w') or die("can't open file");
fwrite($fh, $out);
function copyToDir($pattern, $dir) {
foreach (glob($pattern) as $file) {
if(!is_dir($file) && is_readable($file)) {
if(!is_dir($dir)) {
$dest = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basename($file);
copy($file, $dest);
// copy some CSS and images to right places
copyToDir($cssDirectory . '*.css', $outputDirectory . 'css');
copyToDir($imageDirectory . '*.jpg', $outputDirectory . 'images');
copyToDir($imageDirectory . '*.png', $outputDirectory . 'images');