Get the map overlay shapes for US and Canada, add only the ones the user selecten in Drupal, color based on parent region
// Get the features to add to the map
nsmap.getFeatures = function (thisMap, statesSelected, callback){
var map = thisMap;
var theStates = statesSelected;
var featureFilePath = this.basePath + '/data/us-states.js';
var provinceFilePath = this.basePath + '/data/canada.json';
// empty feature collection to add geojson
var colObj = {
type: 'FeatureCollection',
features: []
// Step 1 get the us-state features
getUSfCollection(featureFilePath, function(errorMessage, usresults) {
if (errorMessage){
console.error('getUSfCollection failed: US state file is a dependency for mapping.');
callback('getUSfCollection failed');
nsmap.allFeaturesToSearch.features = nsmap.allFeaturesToSearch.features.concat(usresults.features); // all the state shapes
// Step 2 get the Canada features
getCanadafCollection(provinceFilePath, function(canresults) {
nsmap.allFeaturesToSearch.features = nsmap.allFeaturesToSearch.features.concat(canresults.features);
// We have all the features, now apply to the selected states
for (var i = theStates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
//console.log('getFeatures - theStates[i]', theStates[i]);
var aStateNameToFind = theStates[i].name.toUpperCase() ;
var featureArray = nsmap.allFeaturesToSearch.features;
if ($.type(featureArray) === "array") {
// Loop Features and find either a canadian province or a US state
for (var j = featureArray.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
var featureNameUS = featureArray[j] ;
var featureNameCanada = featureArray[j].properties.NAME ;
var featureNameFound = '';
if(featureNameUS ){
featureNameFound = featureNameUS.toUpperCase();
} else if (featureNameCanada) {
featureNameFound = featureNameCanada.toUpperCase();
if (featureNameFound ){
if (aStateNameToFind == featureNameFound){
//console.log('-getFeatures - matched a location, now get the details');
// Collect the parent info (for coloring etc)
// Note: now we only get one parent per item, no need to loop.
findByNameGetParents(featureNameFound, function(parent){
var parentArray = parent; // Assuming just one parent
//console.log('returned parent TID: ', parentArray);
findParentByTID(parentArray, function(parentObject){
if (parentObject) {
//console.log('Returned Parent Object: ', parentObject);
featureArray[j].properties.parent =;
//console.log('Added Parent to featureArray[j]', featureArray[j]);
}); //findParentByTIDFromID
}); //findByNameGetParents
// push it to the collection
}; // for feature
} else {
console.error('featureArray is not available');
}// for state