11/30/2018 - 9:29 AM

Upload file and Check size and type

Upload file and Check size and type

protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    HttpPostedFile file = (HttpPostedFile)(txtFile.PostedFile);
    if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0))
        if (IsImage(file) == false)
            // Invalid file type so do something here

    int iFileSize = file.ContentLength;

    if (iFileSize > 1000000)  // 1MB approx (actually less though)
        // File is too big so do something here

    // all good do what you need to do

private bool IsImage(HttpPostedFile file)
    // This checks for image type... you could also do filename extension checks and other things
    // but this is just an example to get you on your way
    return ((file != null) && System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(file.ContentType, "image/\\S+") && (file.ContentLength > 0));