M.Danczyk of Variable Finder
3/22/2019 - 1:05 PM


Definition and identification of most commonly used fields from tblloadstops.

-- Creator: Megan Danczyk
-- Created Date: 3/19/19
-- Modified Date: --
-- Purpose: Data Dictionary for tblloadstops. Most commonly used fields included.
-- Modified Reason: 

			  LoadStopID					--Unique Id Related to Stop 
			  ,LoadID						--LoadId that ties to dbo.tblloads
			  ,LoadGuId						--Unique Identifier joined to dbo.tblloads
			  ,[Type]						--Stop Type (Pick or Drop)
			  ,WhGuId						--Unique Identifier joined to X to identify this stops warehouse 
			  ,OpenDate						--Appointment "From" datetime (beginning of appointment window)
			  ,ArrivalDate					--Arrival datetime of carrier to stop
			  ,DepartDate					--Departure datetime of carrier from stop
			  ,CLDate						--Appointment "To" datetime (end of appointment window)
			  ,CreatedBy					--Unique Identifier joined to dbo.tblusers to identify who created the stop
			  ,CreatedDate					--Load stop created date
			  ,ModifiedBy					--Unique Identifier joined to dbo.tblusers to identify who last modified the stop
			  ,ModifiedDate					--Load stop modified date
			  ,StopNo						--Number indiciating order or load stop type. (i.e. Pick 1, Drop 1, Drop 2)
			  ,OrderNumber					--Number indiciating order of stop within the load. (i.e. Pick 1 (1), Drop 1 (2), Drop 2(3))
			  ,OpenCloseDateCreatedBy		--Unique Identifier joined to dbo.tblusers to identify who created the appointment window
			  ,OpenCloseDateCreatedDate		--Datetime when appointments were created
			  ,ArrivalDateCreatedBy			--Unique Identifier joined to dbo.tblusers to identify who created carrier arrival 
			  ,ArrivalDateCreatedDate		--Datetime when carrier arrival was entered
			  ,DepartDateCreatedBy			--Unique Identifier joined to dbo.tblusers to identify who created carrier departure 
			  ,DepartDateCreatedDate		--Datetime when carrier departure was entered
FROM	EchoOptimizer.dbo.tblLoadStops