1/23/2015 - 1:59 AM



object Element {

  private class ArrayElement(
                              val contents: Array[String]
                              ) extends Element

  private class LineElement(s: String) extends Element {
    val contents = Array(s)
    override def width = s.length
    override def height = 1

  private class UniformElement(
                                ch: Char,
                                override val width: Int,
                                override val height: Int
                                ) extends Element {
    private val line = ch.toString * width
    def contents = Array.fill(height)(line)

  def elem(contents:  Array[String]): Element =
    new ArrayElement(contents)

  def elem(chr: Char, width: Int, height: Int): Element =
    new UniformElement(chr, width, height)

  def elem(line: String): Element =
    new LineElement(line)

import Element.elem
abstract class Element {
  def contents:  Array[String]

  def width: Int = contents(0).length
  def height: Int = contents.length

  def above(that: Element): Element = {
    val this1 = this widen that.width
    val that1 = that widen this.width
    elem(this1.contents ++ that1.contents)

  def beside(that: Element): Element = {
    val this1 = this heighten that.height
    val that1 = that heighten this.height
      for ((line1, line2) <- this1.contents zip that1.contents)
      yield line1 + line2)

  def widen(w: Int): Element =
    if (w <= width) this
    else {
      val left = elem(' ', (w - width) / 2, height)
      var right = elem(' ', w - width - left.width, height)
      left beside this beside right

  def heighten(h: Int): Element =
    if (h <= height) this
    else {
      val top = elem(' ', width, (h - height) / 2)
      var bot = elem(' ', width, h - height - top.height)
      top above this above bot

  override def toString = contents mkString "\n"

// =================
sealed abstract class Expr
case class Var(name: String) extends Expr
case class Number(num: Double) extends Expr
case class UnOp(operator: String, arg: Expr) extends Expr
case class BinOp(operator: String,
                 left: Expr, right: Expr) extends Expr

class ExprFormatter {

  // Contains operators in groups of increasing precedence
  private val opGroups =
      Set("|", "||"),
      Set("&", "&&"),
      Set("==", "!="),
      Set("<", "<=", ">", ">="),
      Set("+", "-"),
      Set("*", "%")

  // A mapping from operators to their precedence
  private val precedence = {
    val assocs =
      for {
        i <- 0 until opGroups.length
        op <- opGroups(i)
      } yield op -> i

  private val unaryPrecedence = opGroups.length
  private val fractionPrecedence = -1

  // continued in Listing 15.21...

  // ...continued from Listing 15.20

  private def format(e: Expr, enclPrec: Int): Element =

    e match {

      case Var(name) =>

      case Number(num) =>
        def stripDot(s: String) =
          if (s endsWith ".0") s.substring(0, s.length - 2)
          else s

      case UnOp(op, arg) =>
        elem(op) beside format(arg, unaryPrecedence)

      case BinOp("/", left, right) =>
        val top = format(left, fractionPrecedence)
        val bot = format(right, fractionPrecedence)
        val line = elem('-', top.width max bot.width, 1)
        val frac = top above line above bot
        if (enclPrec != fractionPrecedence) frac
        else elem(" ") beside frac beside elem(" ")

      case BinOp(op, left, right) =>
        val opPrec = precedence(op)
        val l = format(left, opPrec)
        val r = format(right, opPrec + 1)
        val oper = l beside elem(" "+ op +" ") beside r
        if (enclPrec <= opPrec) oper
        else elem("(") beside oper beside elem(")")

  def format(e: Expr): Element = format(e, 0)


object Express extends App {

  val f = new ExprFormatter

  val e1 = BinOp("*", BinOp("/", Number(1), Number(2)),
    BinOp("+", Var("x"), Number(1)))
  val e2 = BinOp("+", BinOp("/", Var("x"), Number(2)),
    BinOp("/", Number(1.5), Var("x")))
  val e3 = BinOp("/", e1, e2)

  def show(e: Expr) = println(f.format(e)+ "\n\n")

  for (e <- Array(e1, e2, e3)) show(e)