Tweak ubuntu (gnome)
# Install numix theme
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:numix/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install numix-gtk-theme
# After install numix, maybe using tweak ubuntu to change it,
# Remove windows's titlebar
# Ref:
sudo vi /usr/share/themes/Numix/metacity-1/metacity-theme-3.xml
# Change frame_geometry name="max" to frame_geometry name="max" has_title="false"
# Alt+F2, type r, and Enter/Return
# Install redshift
sudo apt-get install redshift redshift-gtk
# Add redshift autostart:
# - Create .config/redshift.conf
# - Open Startup Applications Preferences, add:
# /usr/bin/redshift
# Setting cursor size in HiDPI:
# Open dconf-editor
# set new value to key org.gnome.desktop.interface