5/3/2017 - 2:16 PM

Get video thumbnails - works with oembed

Get video thumbnails - works with oembed

// Thumbnails from oEmbed

function get_video_thumbnail_uri( $video_uri ) {

		$thumbnail_uri = '';

		// determine the type of video and the video id
		$video = parse_video_uri( $video_uri );

		// get youtube thumbnail
		if ( $video['type'] == 'youtube' )
			$thumbnail_uri = '' . $video['id'] . '/hqdefault.jpg';

		// get vimeo thumbnail
		if( $video['type'] == 'vimeo' )
			$thumbnail_uri = get_vimeo_thumbnail_uri( $video['id'] );
		// get wistia thumbnail
		if( $video['type'] == 'wistia' )
			$thumbnail_uri = get_wistia_thumbnail_uri( $video_uri );
		// get default/placeholder thumbnail
		if( empty( $thumbnail_uri ) || is_wp_error( $thumbnail_uri ) )
			$thumbnail_uri = '';

		//return thumbnail uri
		return $thumbnail_uri;


	 * Parse the video uri/url to determine the video type/source and the video id
	function parse_video_uri( $url ) {

		// Parse the url
		$parse = parse_url( $url );

		// Set blank variables
		$video_type = '';
		$video_id = '';

		// Url is
		if ( $parse['host'] == '' ) {

			$video_type = 'youtube';

			$video_id = ltrim( $parse['path'],'/' );


		// Url is
		// or
		// or
		if ( ( $parse['host'] == '' ) || ( $parse['host'] == '' ) ) {

			$video_type = 'youtube';

			parse_str( $parse['query'] );

			$video_id = $v;

			if ( !empty( $feature ) )
				$video_id = end( explode( 'v=', $parse['query'] ) );

			if ( strpos( $parse['path'], 'embed' ) == 1 )
				$video_id = end( explode( '/', $parse['path'] ) );


		// Url is
		if ( ( $parse['host'] == '' ) || ( $parse['host'] == '' ) ) {

			$video_type = 'vimeo';

			$video_id = ltrim( $parse['path'],'/' );

		$host_names = explode(".", $parse['host'] );
		$rebuild = ( ! empty( $host_names[1] ) ? $host_names[1] : '') . '.' . ( ! empty($host_names[2] ) ? $host_names[2] : '');
		// Url is an oembed url
		if ( ( $rebuild == '' ) || ( $rebuild == '' ) ) {

			$video_type = 'wistia';

			if ( strpos( $parse['path'], 'medias' ) == 1 )
					$video_id = end( explode( '/', $parse['path'] ) );


		// If recognised type return video array
		if ( !empty( $video_type ) ) {

			$video_array = array(
				'type' => $video_type,
				'id' => $video_id

			return $video_array;

		} else {

			return false;



	 /* Takes a Vimeo video/clip ID and calls the Vimeo API v2 to get the large thumbnail URL.
	function get_vimeo_thumbnail_uri( $clip_id ) {
		$vimeo_api_uri = '' . $clip_id . '.php';
		$vimeo_response = wp_remote_get( $vimeo_api_uri );
		if( is_wp_error( $vimeo_response ) ) {
			return $vimeo_response;
		} else {
			$vimeo_response = unserialize( $vimeo_response['body'] );
			return $vimeo_response[0]['thumbnail_large'];

	 * Takes a wistia oembed url and gets the video thumbnail url.
	function get_wistia_thumbnail_uri( $video_uri ) {
		if ( empty($video_uri) )
			return false;
		$wistia_api_uri = '' . $video_uri;
		$wistia_response = wp_remote_get( $wistia_api_uri );
		if( is_wp_error( $wistia_response ) ) {
			return $wistia_response;
		} else {
			$wistia_response = json_decode( $wistia_response['body'], true );
			return $wistia_response['thumbnail_url'];



            // Usage
            $video = get_sub_field('video'); //Embed Code
 						$video_url = get_sub_field('video', FALSE, FALSE); //URL
            $video_thumb_url = get_video_thumbnail_uri($video_url); //get THumbnail via our functions in functions.php


 						<img src="<?php echo $video_thumb_url; ?>" alt="">