Sub cpn(ByVal control As IRibbonControl)
Dim unit As String
Call layout_search_replace.jump_to_reference_section
With Selection.Find
.Text = " [0-9]{1,}[-–][0-9]{1,}[!0-9]"
.MatchWildcards = True
.Wrap = wdFindStop
.Forward = True
unit = Selection.Range.Text
If Not .Found Then
Exit Do
If InStr(Selection.Range.Text, "-") > 0 Then
arr = Split(Selection.Range.Text, "-")
arr = Split(Selection.Range.Text, ChrW(8211))
End If
If Len(Trim(arr(0))) > Len(Left(arr(1), Len(arr(1)) - 1)) Then
Selection.Range.Text = FunctionGroup.ComLackPage(Selection.Range.Text)
Selection.MoveRight wdCharacter, Len(unit)
End If
End If
End With
End Sub
Function ComLackPage(str As String) As String
Dim reg As Object
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.Regexp")
Dim is_exist As Boolean
With reg
.Global = True
.Pattern = " (\d\d+)([-–]\d+)(?!\d)"
is_exist = .test(str)
End With
Dim matches As Object, match As Object
Set matches = reg.Execute(str)
If is_exist = True Then
For Each match In matches
firstNum = match.submatches(0)
NextNum = Right(match.submatches(1), Len(match.submatches(1)) - 1)
Select Case Len(firstNum)
Case 2
If Len(NextNum) = 1 Then
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 1)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 1) + NextNum)
End If
End If
Case 3
Select Case Len(NextNum)
Case 1
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 2)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 2) + NextNum)
End If
Case 2
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 1)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 1) + NextNum)
End If
End Select
Case 4
Select Case Len(NextNum)
Case 1
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 3)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 3) + NextNum)
End If
Case 2
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 2)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 2) + NextNum)
End If
Case 3
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 1)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 1) + NextNum)
End If
End Select
Case 5
Select Case Len(NextNum)
Case 1
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 4)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 4) + NextNum)
End If
Case 2
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 3)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 3) + NextNum)
End If
Case 3
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 2)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 2) + NextNum)
End If
Case 4
If CInt(Right(firstNum, Len(firstNum) - 1)) < CInt(NextNum) Then
oldnum = match
newnum = Replace(match, NextNum, Left(firstNum, 1) + NextNum)
End If
End Select
End Select
End If
ComLackPage = Replace(Replace(str, oldnum, newnum), "-", "–")
End Function