Cross-browser solution for changing the 'type' attribute of an <input/>
/* x is the <input/> element
type is the type you want to change it to.
jQuery is required and assumed to be the "$" variable */
function changeType(x, type) {
if(x.prop('type') == type)
return x; //That was easy.
try {
return x.prop('type', type); //Stupid IE security will not allow this
} catch(e) {
//Try re-creating the element (yep... this sucks)
//jQuery has no html() method for the element, so we have to put into a div first
var html = $("<div>").append(x.clone()).html();
var regex = /type=(\")?([^\"\s]+)(\")?/; //matches type=text or type="text"
//If no match, we add the type attribute to the end; otherwise, we replace
var tmp = $(html.match(regex) == null ?
html.replace(">", ' type="' + type + '">') :
html.replace(regex, 'type="' + type + '"') );
//Copy data from old element'type','type') );
var events ='events');
var cb = function(events) {
return function() {
//Bind all prior events
for(i in events)
var y = events[i];
for(j in y)
tmp.bind(i, y[j].handler);
setTimeout(cb, 10); //Wait a bit to call function
return tmp;