7/11/2017 - 8:48 PM

animation wave

animation wave

the perfect wave
<canvas id="world"><p class="noCanvas">You need a <a href="">modern browser</a> to view this.</p></canvas>
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	<div id="retweet_button">
		<a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-url="" data-text="Wave - an experiment with wave motion and tweets in HTML5 by @hakimel." data-count="horizontal" data-related="hakimel">Tweet</a>
		<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script src=""></script>
<script src="js/hakim.wave.js"></script>

	function Wave() {
		/** The current dimensions of the screen (updated on resize) */
		var WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
		var HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
		/** Wave settings */
		var DENSITY = .75;
		var FRICTION = 1.14;
		var MOUSE_PULL = 0.09; // The strength at which the mouse pulls particles within the AOE
		var AOE = 200; // Area of effect for mouse pull
		var DETAIL = Math.round( WIDTH / 60 ); // The number of particles used to build up the wave
		var WATER_DENSITY = 1.07;
		var AIR_DENSITY = 1.02;
		var TWITCH_INTERVAL = 2000; // The interval between random impulses being inserted into the wave to keep it moving
		/** Twitter interaction settings */
		var TWITTER_QUERY = 'water'; // The search term for tweets
		var TWEETS_PER_PAGE = 20; // The number of tweets that will be fetched per server call
		var TWEETS_FREQUENCY = 400; // Milliseconds between tweet bubbles being added to the wave
		/** Bubble settings */
		var MAX_BUBBLES = 60; // The maximum number of bubbles visible before FIFO is applied
		var BIG_BUBBLE_DISSOLVE = 20; // How many particles a bubble dissolves into when being clicked
		/** Couple of counters to keep track of the Twitter interaction */
		var twitterPolls = 1; // Counts how many times data has been fetched from twitter
		var twitterRetries = 0; // Counts how many times we fail to retrieve results from twitter
		var twitterMaxId = 0; // The ID of the oldest tweet that's been downloaded
		var mouseIsDown, isDownloadingTweets = false;
		var ms = {x:0, y:0}; // Mouse speed
		var mp = {x:0, y:0}; // Mouse position
		var canvas, context, particles, bubbles, tweets;
		var timeUpdateInterval, tweetUpdateInterval, twitchInterval;
		 * Constructor.
		this.Initialize = function( canvasID ) {
			canvas = document.getElementById( canvasID );
			if (canvas && canvas.getContext) {
				context = canvas.getContext('2d');
				particles = [];
				tweets = [];
				bubbles = [];
				$("body").append('<div id="tweet"></div>');
				// Generate our wave particles
				for( var i = 0; i < DETAIL+1; i++ ) {
					particles.push( { 
						x: WIDTH / (DETAIL-4) * (i-2), // Pad by two particles on each side
						y: HEIGHT*.5,
						original: {x: 0, y: HEIGHT * .5},
						velocity: {x: 0, y: Math.random()*3}, // Random for some initial movement in the wave
						force: {x: 0, y: 0},
						mass: 10
					} );
				timeUpdateInterval = setInterval( TimeUpdate, 40 );
				tweetUpdateInterval = setInterval( CreateBubble, TWEETS_FREQUENCY );
				twitchInterval = setInterval( Twitch, TWITCH_INTERVAL );
		 * Stops downloading and showing tweets.
		function Terminate( message ) {
			clearInterval( tweetUpdateInterval );
			isDownloadingTweets = true;
			alert( message );
		 * Gets the next tweet in queue. If there are
		 * less than five tweets remaining, download a
		 * new batch.
		function GetTweet() {
			if( tweets.length < 5 && !isDownloadingTweets ) {
			if (tweets.length > 0) {
				return tweets.shift();
		function DownloadTweets() {
			isDownloadingTweets = true;
			if( twitterPolls ++ > 20 ) {
				Terminate( "That's it. No more tweets for you." );
			$.post("search.php", {query: TWITTER_QUERY, max_id: twitterMaxId, rpp: TWEETS_PER_PAGE}, function(xml){
				if( !$('entry',xml) || $('entry',xml).length == 0 ) {
					if (twitterRetries++ > 3) {
						Terminate("Oops, Twitter doesn't want to serve us at the moment.");
					var tweet = {};
					tweet.title = $(this).find("title").text();   
					tweet.content = $(this).find("content").text();   
					tweet.published = $(this).find("published").text(); = $(this).find("link").text();   
					tweet.authorURI = $(this).find("uri").text(); = $(this).find("name").text(); = "@" +," ")); = $(this).find("id").text(); =":") + 1 );
					if( i == $('entry',xml).length - 1 ) {
						twitterMaxId = parseInt( ) - 1;
					tweets.push( tweet );
				isDownloadingTweets = false;
		function ShowTweet( bubbleIndex ) {
			var tweet = GetTweet();
			var tweetMarkup = tweet.content + "<br/><p class='author'>by: <a href='"+tweet.authorURI+"'>" + + "</p>";
			$("#tweet").hide().html( tweetMarkup ).fadeIn();
			DissolveBubble( bubbleIndex );
		 * Inserts a random impulse to keep the wave moving.
		 * Impulses are only inserted if the mouse is not making
		 * quick movements.
		function Twitch() {
			if( ms.x < 6 || ms.y < 6 ) {
				var forceRange = 5; // -value to +value
				InsertImpulse( Math.random() * WIDTH, (Math.random()*(forceRange*2)-forceRange ) );
		 * Inserts an impulse in the wave at a specific position.
		 * @param positionX the x coordinate where the impulse
		 * should be inserted
		 * @param forceY the force to insert
		function InsertImpulse( positionX, forceY ) {
			var particle = particles[Math.round( positionX / WIDTH * particles.length )];
			if( particle ) {
				particle.force.y += forceY;
		function TimeUpdate(e) {
			var gradientFill = context.createLinearGradient(WIDTH*.5,HEIGHT*.2,WIDTH*.5,HEIGHT);
			context.clearRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
			context.fillStyle = gradientFill;
			context.moveTo(particles[0].x, particles[0].y);
			var len = particles.length;
			var i;
			var current, previous, next;
			for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
				current = particles[i];
				previous = particles[i-1];
				next = particles[i+1];
				if (previous && next) {
					var forceY = 0;
					forceY += -DENSITY * ( previous.y - current.y );
					forceY += DENSITY * ( current.y - next.y );
					forceY += DENSITY/15 * ( current.y - current.original.y );
					current.velocity.y += - ( forceY / current.mass ) + current.force.y;
					current.velocity.y /= FRICTION;
					current.force.y /= FRICTION;
					current.y += current.velocity.y;
					var distance = DistanceBetween( mp, current );
					if( distance < AOE ) {
						var distance = DistanceBetween( mp, {x:current.original.x, y:current.original.y} );
						ms.x = ms.x * .98;
						ms.y = ms.y * .98;
						current.force.y += (MOUSE_PULL * ( 1 - (distance / AOE) )) * ms.y;
					// cx, cy, ax, ay
					context.quadraticCurveTo(previous.x, previous.y, previous.x + (current.x - previous.x) / 2, previous.y + (current.y - previous.y) / 2);
			context.lineTo(particles[particles.length-1].x, particles[particles.length-1].y);
			context.lineTo(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
			context.lineTo(0, HEIGHT);
			context.lineTo(particles[0].x, particles[0].y);
			len = bubbles.length;
			context.fillStyle = "#rgba(0,200,255,0)";
			var b, p, d;
			for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				var b = bubbles[i];
				var p = GetClosestParticle( b );
				var d = DistanceBetween( mp, b );
				b.velocity.y /= ( b.y > p.y ) ? WATER_DENSITY : AIR_DENSITY;
				b.velocity.y += ( p.y > b.y ) ? 1/b.mass : -((b.y-p.y)*0.01)/b.mass;
				b.y += b.velocity.y;
				if( b.x > WIDTH - b.currentSize ) b.velocity.x = -b.velocity.x;
				if( b.x < b.currentSize ) b.velocity.x = Math.abs(b.velocity.x);
				b.velocity.x /= 1.04;
				b.velocity.x = b.velocity.x < 0 ? Math.min( b.velocity.x, -.8/b.mass ) : Math.max( b.velocity.x, .8/b.mass )
				b.x += b.velocity.x;
				if( d < AOE ) {
					// The bubble is within the AOE, apply horizontal mouse pull relative to distance
					//b.velocity.x += MOUSE_PULL * ( ( AOE - d ) / AOE * b.mass ) * ms.x;
				if( b.dissolved == false ) {
				else {
					b.velocity.x /= 1.15;
					b.velocity.y /= 1.05;
					while( b.children.length < b.dissolveSize ) {
						b.children.push( { x:0, y:0, size: Math.random()*b.dissolveSize, velocity: { x: (Math.random()*20)-10, y: -(Math.random()*10) } } );
					for( var j = 0; j < b.children.length; j++ ) {
						var c = b.children[j];
						c.x += c.velocity.x;
						c.y += c.velocity.y;
						c.velocity.x /= 1.1;
						c.velocity.y += 0.4;
						c.size /= 1.1;
						context.moveTo(b.x+c.x,b.y+c.y); // needed in ff
		function GetClosestParticle(point){
			var closestIndex = 0;
			var closestDistance = 1000;
			var len = particles.length;
			for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
				var thisDistance = DistanceBetween( particles[i], point );
				if( thisDistance < closestDistance ) {
					closestDistance = thisDistance;
					closestIndex = i;
			return particles[closestIndex];
		function CreateBubble() {
			if( bubbles.length > MAX_BUBBLES ) {
				var i = 0;
				if( bubbles[i].dissolved ) {
					// Find a bubble thats not already on its way to dissolving
					for( ; i < bubbles.length; i++ ) {
						if( bubbles[i].dissolved == false ) {
							bubbles[i].dissolveSize = SMALL_BUBBLE_DISSOLVE;
							DissolveBubble( i );
				else {
					DissolveBubble( i );
			var minSize = 15;
			var maxSize = 30;
			var size = minSize + Math.random() * ( maxSize - minSize );
			var catapult = 30;
			var b = {
				x: maxSize + ( Math.random() * ( WIDTH - maxSize ) ),
				y: HEIGHT - maxSize,
				velocity: {x: (Math.random()*catapult)-catapult/2,y: 0},
				size: size,
				mass: (size / maxSize)+1,
				dissolved: false,
				dissolveSize: BIG_BUBBLE_DISSOLVE,
				children: []
			b.currentSize = b.size;
		function DissolveBubble( index ) {
			var b = bubbles[index];
			if( b.dissolved == false ) {
				b.dissolved = true;
				setTimeout( function() {
					for( var i = 0; i < bubbles.length; i++ ) {
						if( bubbles[i] == b ) {
				}, 2000 );
		function MouseMove(e) {
			ms.x = Math.max( Math.min( e.layerX - mp.x, 40 ), -40 );
			ms.y = Math.max( Math.min( e.layerY - mp.y, 40 ), -40 );
			mp.x = e.layerX;
			mp.y = e.layerY;
		function MouseDown(e) {
			mouseIsDown = true;
			var len = bubbles.length;
			var closestIndex = 0;
			var closestDistance = 1000;
			for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
				var thisDistance = DistanceBetween( bubbles[i], mp );
				if( thisDistance < closestDistance ) {
					closestDistance = thisDistance;
					closestIndex = i;
			if (bubbles.length && closestDistance < 150) {
				ShowTweet( closestIndex );
		function MouseUp(e) {
			mouseIsDown = false;
		function ResizeCanvas(e) {
			WIDTH = window.innerWidth;
			HEIGHT = window.innerHeight;
			canvas.width = WIDTH;
			canvas.height = HEIGHT;
			$("#tweet").css( "top", HEIGHT * .7 );
			for( var i = 0; i < DETAIL+1; i++ ) {
				particles[i].x = WIDTH / (DETAIL-4) * (i-2);
				particles[i].y = HEIGHT*.5;
				particles[i].original.x = particles[i].x;
				particles[i].original.y = particles[i].y;
		function DistanceBetween(p1,p2) {
			var dx = p2.x-p1.x;
			var dy = p2.y-p1.y;
			return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy);
	var wave = new Wave();
	wave.Initialize( 'world' );